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Arabella's POV

Transfigurations class was also pretty uneventful. I spent most of it trying to focus but failing. I was mostly just thinking about George, and things about George that I love.

For example, I love Georges smile; it's contagious. I also love his laugh, it is the sweetest laugh you could ever hear. I also love how he can get a little bit quiet sometimes, not often, but on the odd occasion. He's the quieter twin out of the two you see, so sometimes when Fred is on another one of his tangents, instead of joining in, George will voluntarily observe whilst he thinks about whatever is going on in his own head. I could list more but I don't want to sound crazy, I mean were meant to be best friends for Merlin's sake. I shouldn't see him as any thing more.

After class, the twins needed to go pick up some more ingredients for their new sweets they were creating and so they took a quick trip to Diagon Alley. In the meantime, I headed back to the common to find my brother and the others.

I found them sat around the table, Dean and Neville playing chess whilst Hermione, Ron and Harry observed and talked amongst themselves.

"Hi guys" I waved and sat down next to Hermione. I was met with several hi's and hello's.

"Awww Bella, not with your boyfriends for once" Harry sassed.

"Aww, not getting almost killed by a Death Eater for once" I mocked back, causing everyone to laugh- including Harry.

"Where are those two lunatics anyways?" Ron asked.

"Oh they have gone to Diagon Alley for a few bits. They should be back soon."

"Aw, you miss your big brothers Ron?" Hermione giggled.

"Shurrup, 'Mione." He chuckled back.


After a bit of chatting and catching up, me and Hermione sat by ourselves on the sofa infront of the fire, leaving the boys to play cards. I felt like I needed to come clean with my feelings towards George. I was hoping if someone knew my situation, they may be able to give me advice. Now who better to go to for smart advice than Hermione.

"So" Hermione huffed, "Do you want to tell me what that look on your face is about?"

I began to panic, "What look on my face?"

"You know, the 'I have something I need to talk about but I'm scared to say' sort of look" she smirked.

Fuck she was good.

I looked around anxiously, making sure no one would hear me but Hermione. These are the time I wish we shared a dorm, we could have so many more private chats.

"Okay listen 'mione, what I'm about to tell you is something I have never told anyone and I never even realised myself until now but-"

"You like George" she stated.

My sentence came to a halt as I stared at her in shock. I couldn't believe she knew what I was going to say. Was it really that obvious?

"How on earth could you have know I was going to say that?"

"It's quite simple really. I sensed it was to do with a boy, hence the private girl chat. I thought of the possibilities of which boy it could be, used my common sense and thought about the chemistry between you and George. You said you have only just realised yourself and it all just added up in my head really." She smirked.

Alright smart arse.

I stared at her unsure of what to say; instead I gave her a desperate sort of look which symbolised how much I needed her help. She giggled in response, before turning to completely face me on the sofa.

"Look, I don't know how George feels about you right now, but I can tell you feel shocked, rather confused and a bit scared about what to do in this situation. But don't panic. I know it can make things tricky with the friendship you have right now but if the feelings you have feel strong and real, then surely he must feel the same. I have seen how he looks at you Arabella he must feel something. Just go with your heart. If your heart is saying you like George... then tell George." She smiled at me reassuringly.

What Hermione was saying was all true, I was scared about what could happen and my feelings did feel very strong. I was just anxious of what the outcome would be if I confessed to George about how I have been feeling. But this chat with Hermione definitely opened my eyes a little bit.

"Thank you Hermione" I smiled, placing my hand on her arm before standing up, "I really appreciate it"

She smiles back as I begin to walk away before turning back to face her.

"Oh and by the way, the whole thing about telling someone how you really feel, maybe you should listen to your own advice" I smirk whilst nodding my head toward Ron.

She followed my gaze as her face turned red from embarrassment. She grabbed a pillow from the sofa to launched at me but I was already round the corner of the stairs. I laughed as I ran away from the speechless Hermione.

Now it was time to decide: do I tell George how I feel or keep it to myself?


I really hope to include the other characters more as the story progresses. Sorry this chapters kinda short.

Also, if you're here for smut, don't worry it's coming soon- be patient ;)

As always, comment and vote! Thanks :)

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