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~smut/sexual content warning~


Arabella's POV

The first few weeks of term were like I imagined... interesting.

The news of Cedric and Katie, as expected, spread like wildfire, the two of them seeming to want to parade around as much as possible to show everyone how much of a perfect couple they were.

It made no difference to George and I; we were just happy to have the attention away from our relationship. The two of us and Fred carried on doing our own thing, when Fred wasn't with Angelina of course.

Things seemed to be different with the two of them this time; Fred must have taken what I said into consideration. He has been spending a lot of time with her the past few weeks, going on study dates, walks to Hogsmeade and sneaking off in the night to look at the stars.

And with Fred giving him and Angelina a proper go, it gave George and I more time for just the two of us. As much as we loved hanging out with everyone during our free time, there was nothing better than being in George's company.

It seemed like everything was perfect, until a few odd things began to occur.

At first I thought I was just overthinking it, but it soon became clear to me that everything that was going on wasn't a coincidence.

Katie began bringing Cedric over to the Gryffindor table for meals, which I barely even noticed due to being so caught up with my friends around me. But there was only so much I could tune out before their loud mouths drowned out everyone else.

They always seemed to want to talk about their relationship, saying how "completely in love" they were and how anyone they were interested in before one another were "irrelevant" and they were "so much better off without them".

This was clearly aimed towards us, Katie projecting her voice as far as she could in efforts to catch my attention. It didn't really bother me though; yes it was rather petty of them but I was unfazed. I was happy with George and that's all I cared about.

Then, Angelina started asking to hang out with me more which I obviously agreed to due to the two of us previously being rather close and her now being involved with Fred. However, Katie always found a way to show up, insisting we needed some 'girl time' to make amends.

Again, Cedric was always the topic of conversation, constantly bragging about every single detail about him. Whether it was his hair, his eyes, his humour, how sweet and loving he was or whatever else, she always wanted to tell us- especially tell me it seemed. This didn't stop her from asking about my relationship too, repeatedly trying to pry and get as much information out of me as possible.

If that wasn't strange enough, she never once dropped her sweet and kind persona, despite the constant sarcastic and harsh remarks I threw her way. I was making it clear about my feelings towards her, she just didn't seem to mind or if she did, she never let it show.

Then, it wasn't long before Cedric had gifted Katie with a shiny gold necklace, one with a golden 'C' pendant dangling from it. Coincidently, exactly the same as mine.

They spent so much time in our common room, always seeming to act out huge displays of PDA whenever we arrived. It was becoming tiresome, the two of them flaunting their new found 'love' all the time in hopes it would bother us.

I wasn't jealous of course, but their smug attitudes were really beginning to get under my skin, and after the few weeks I'd had trying to avoid the two of them, I had become rather stressed.

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