Chapter 1.

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I can't believe I'm here.

I stood by the door looking toward the open plan apartment. There was a grey couch and a white rug under it facing the flat screen TV that was mounted on the wall. There was a wooden coffee table with books in the centre and a candle on top of them. The two arm chairs facing eachother contrasted with its black material. The kitchen was small with a sizable island and three tall stools to provide extra sitting. There was a small round white dining table with four yellow chairs around it.

My mum took the liberty of putting up framed pictures of our family and a few art pieces all over. Thanks to my parents, the apartment I was going to call home starting today was fully furnished and my possessions were already here. I grabbed my two suitcases and gym bag and put them in my bedroom discarding the unpacking for the very last minute. I was tired after the three hour drive from home to here.

I took off my jacket sliding it over my tired muscles. My eye peered lazily over the paper in my hand, my classes schedule, I exhaled in relief as my back hit the comfortable couch satisfied with when my classes were starting. Part of me was excited about starting uni, I finished highschool two years ago but all I wanted to do was travel and thanks to my supportive parents I got to do just that. My phone buzzed from my pants, I sighed took it out looking at the caller ID.

Just like clockwork.

"Julian honey, how are you liking the apartment?" My mum asked more excited than me. I had a theory she couldn't wait to get rid of me. Like seriously, all my brothers were already independent working and living by themselves. I was the last born so I decided to take my time. News of me finally deciding to study economics and business development at JQ university to work in my father's company was like music to my parents ears.

"I like it mum thanks for looking for it and furnishing it even though I told you I wanted to do that myself," I chuckled and shook my head.

"Oh come on you were looking at old run down apartments and your farther and I wanted you to live comfortably without the risk of the building collapsing and leaving you homeless."  She said and rolled my eyes at her exaggeration.

"Anyway, I have to go buy groceries, I'm surprised you didn't do that too," I trailed off looking at the kitchen.

"Okay well I have to get ready your father is taking me out dancing." She giggled.

"Wow, enjoying your freedom I see." I said.

"Of course, bye I'll call you again soon." She didn't even wait for me to answer as she hung up immediately.

I glanced at the clock on my phone. Seven thirty. I debated on ordering in or going out. I shrugged and decided to explore the area.

It was a ten minute drive before the city started to come alive before my eyes. The neon signs light up the streets colouring the streets in different vibrant colours, people were walking around but it wasn't crowded. The area was filled with shopping centres and bakeries that made the air smell of baked goods. It took me a good minute before finding a small café that was almost unnoticeable if it wasn't for the huge sign that spelt Art café in white and black. I was lucky enough to find parking right in front of the entrance.

As soon as I walked in I was welcomed with the smell of strong coffee and food. The inside was dimly lit which created a romantic atmosphere with soft lo-fi music playing in the background. There were couples sitting and conversing which made me shift uncomfortably as I stood alone looking for a seat. I felt soft tap on my shoulder and turned around to meet a girl with a big genuine grin on her face. She wore black pants and a white button down shirt and a black tie with a gold name tag with Lia written in black italics. She had beautiful big brown eyes and her black hair was up in a ponytail.

"Hello sir, table for two?" She asked smiling. I shook my head and scratched the back of my neck nervously. She nodded understanding that I was alone and ushered me to a seat at the far back next to the window. I was happy with the placement. I could see the entire café with all its black and white aesthetic glory. She handed me a menu and left giving me time to look through it and to decide on what to get.

I ordered some pasta with garlic bread. After a short while the food was presented to me. The bread was warm and soft. The pasta was long and spicy just the way I liked it. I got comfortable eating despite being the only person who sat alone. After my meal I ordered some tea. I sipped it slow while scrolling through my phone.

Once satisfied I paid my bill and went to my car. I walked out of the café instantly missing the warmth as a cold breeze brushed my face. I heard some people arguing and I looked to my far right and saw two men in a heated argument.

One was tall wearing nothing but black and a leather jacket with long black hair. The other was the complete opposite with a trench coat and glasses with short styled hair. I ignored them not wanting to get involved and made my way to the car right in front of me. I got in and strapped my seatbelt. I took out my phone to key in the direction back to my apartment but dropped it as I unsuccessfully tried to munt it to my dashboard. I bent to pick it up when the door of the passenger side opened and closed. Someone sat down heavy breathing.

"DRIVE! DRIVE!" The guy yelled.

"What?" I asked confused and they clicked their tongue looking outside the window. I looked at the direction he was looking at and saw the guy wearing black trying to stand up. My breath hitched and my eyes widened.

"Noah you asshole wait till I get my hands on you!" The guy yelled, you could hear the anger in his voice which sent shivers down my spine as if the words were directed at me.

"Drive or we'll both die." The man said pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. I looked at the rearview mirror and saw the guy running towards my car. I didn't have to be told twice I started the car and sped of on the road almost getting hit by another on coming car. The tall guy pulled his hair in frustration and kicked the dirt. He looked really mad.

I focused on the road trying to put distance between us and the tall man. After the man was out of sight. The guy slid down the seat and cursed under his breath. He took off his stylish round glasses and rubbed his eyes. I gripped my steering wheel tightly biting the inside of my cheek driving with no idea of the destination with a total stranger in my car.


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