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  kierah trudges along behind katara tiredly. she hadn't gotten any sleep the past few nights due to wondering about the vision she had in the swamp. she knew that it wouldn't do any good, since she might not meet the boy for years, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to happen, and the boy would be apart of it.

"should we get some seal jerky?" katara asks kierah brightly.

"yeah, sure," kierah mumbles.

kierah wasn't normally one of those people who hated the mornings, but ever since they left the swamp, she found it harder and harder to get up in the mornings after getting little to no sleep. she knew the rest of the gang had noticed her lack of sleep, but thankfully none of them said anything to her. she didn't want to have to tell them she couldn't sleep because she had a feeling. they'd think she was insane. none of them were dwelling on their visions like kierah was hers, possibly because katara and sokka already knew the people, and aang, well, he was the avatar. he was used to things like this.

a few moments later, sokka and aang join her and katara at a stall. sokka still looks upset, and kierah assumes it's because he lost his boomerang. they had been attacked by the rough rhinos a while earlier, and they had lost most of their supplies, including sokka's boomerang. they had barely had time to grab aang's staff and katara and kierah's waterbending scrolls.

while katara paid for some supplies, kierah saw aang trying (and failing) to comfort sokka. aang sent her a look that clearly meant help!, so kierah headed over to them. aang looks incredibly relieved, and heads over to katara.

"hey." kierah sits down next to sokka.

"hey," he mumbles back.

"i know you're upset," she says. "and i'm not that great at comforting people, but i'm here if you need me."

normally she'd be very self-conscious about saying something like that, but being this tired must have eliminated her brain's filter.

"thanks," sokka says quietly.

he doesn't say anything else for a few minutes, but right when he looks like he might, aang comes over, grinning ear to ear.

"guys! guess what!"

"what," kierah says, humoring him.

"this village has an avatar day! and there's a festival happening today!" aang says excitedly.

"it starts in just a few minutes over there," katara says, pointing over to the village's main road.

"you guys go ahead," kierah says. "i'll just sit here for a few minutes."

"okay," katara says, deciding not to argue with kierah. "what about you, sokka?"

"i'll just stay here too," he says.

"so what's wrong?" sokka asks after aang and katara leave.

"what? nothing's wrong?" kierah says, attempting to act nonchalant.

sokka just looks at her.

"i would tell you," kierah says after a moment, "but the truth is, i don't know. ever since we left the swamp, the vision of the boy I saw has been haunting me. i just feel like something is going to happen." she looks down, her eyes misting up slightly. "it sounds so stupid when I say it out loud." she fiddles with her fingers, stopping only when sokka grabs her hand.

"hey, it'll be fine. and it's not stupid," he says. he seems to be deep in thought for a few moments. "you're right, comforting people is hard," he laughs.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, sokkaWhere stories live. Discover now