American Pie

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Lorie (right) Kim (left)

I walked out of the house after removing the record from the record player. American pie was the song. One of my favorites. School. I hate it. I have to walk there because my parents don't give a shit. I kept walking slowly until I saw Kimberly, one of my best friends, leave her house.

"Hey, sexy!" I yell to her from across the street.
"Hi, shit head!" She yelled back.

Kim. She's been my best friend since 2nd grade. We call each other random names all the time like dick head, douche, sexy, bitch, etc. She has a lot more money than me. She's rich. I'm lower middle class. Small house, small backyard. It's okay. Still can't afford extra things like concerts and stuff.

Kimberly could afford an even bigger house if her parents really wanted one.

We walked together until we saw Keith.
"Hello, dick head!" Me and Kim yelled.
"Hey, princesses!" He said back. We hate when he calls us that.
"Call us that again and we'll have your ass in a ditch." I teased.

He rolled is eyes and walked in between me and Kim.

Keith is really nice. He's my other best friend. We've known each other since 4th grade.

 We've known each other since 4th grade

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(Keith and Kim)

"Sooo...I have a surprise for you guys." Kim broke the silence.
"Ooh, a surprise!!!" Me and Keith exclaimed. Kim pulled three small tickets from her book bag.

She handed one to me and one to Keith.
"David Bowie!? Tonight!?" Keith said excitedly.
"Omg, Kim, really!?" I nudged her. She knew David Bowie is my favorite.

"Yes, my parents said I could bring yall!" She squeezed one of my shoulders. Me and Keith crushed her in a big hug.
"Thank you so much!" Keith said.
"This'll be so much fun!" I added.

"I can't wait. I'll have to ask my parents, though. You guys know how they are." I said.
"Please be careful. Your parents are always drunk." Keith told me, concerned.
"I know, but I don't know how I feel going somewhere without them knowing."
"Understandable." Kim replied.

We made it to school. We were 10 minutes early so we hung out by Kims brothers car. Kim doesn't go with him in the car because she says he drives badly. I don't blame her.

The bell rang and we made our way inside to begin a long, boring day.


Hey! This is my 3rd fanfic. It's not perfect, and it won't ever be, but I still like it. I love the 70s and David Bowie so I'm really enjoying making this. I hope you like it!!

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