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I was heading out the door to the car. David and lovely Paul was picking me up to bring us to the airport. We were going to New York! I was so excited.
"Hi, babe!" I said as I opened the door.
"Hi, love!" He pulled me in for a kiss.
"Do you have everything?" He asked me.
"Yep! I triple checked." I put on my seatbelt.

Paul began driving and David placed a hand on my knee, then slowly brought his hand slowly to my thigh.
'Oh hell, not in the car.' I thought. I looked at David and raised a brown. He then closed the divider so Paul couldn't...see us. He kissed me and played with my hair. He eventually fell asleep on my shoulder. Poor baby was so tired.

I played with his fingers and stroked his hair. He needed as much sleep as he could get. I looked out the window and admired the view. We were on the highway and could see big fields with cows and horses. I closed my eyes and drifted off. (Damn, they sleep a lot in this story.)


We woke up and went into the airport. David was slightly disguised. He wore a sweatshirt, sweatpants, and dark sunglasses. I wore pretty much the same thing, but only because I'm lazy. We went through security and everything and got on the plane. I hate flying. I have the worst plane anxiety.

I had David sit by the window, which I think he was pretty happy about.
"David, I swear I might just pass away on this plane. And not from it crashing, I'm scared." I said staring right at him. He laughed.
"I'll hold your hand." He said and kissed my on the cheek.
"Okay, but if I have a panic attack-"
"I won't let that happen. You're safe. I promise." He took my hand and kissed me again. Tf would I do without him oml. (But fr)

The plane started moving and my eyes widened. I squeezed David's hand.
"Hopefully I fall asleep for most of the flight." I say. David nodded. He even looked slightly nervouse himself. I love being anxious about shit with him.

(Imma do another time skip because I'm kinda lazy. Basically the plane lands and they get to the hotel.)


We went to the hotel room to unpack and rest. We put my two suitcases next to the bed and started folding and putting away clothes. David sat on the bed and laid me on top of him.
"Let's unpack later. I wanna cuddle." He said in his lil' baby voice.
"Okay, we can cuddle." I said through a giggle. We laid together until I felt sick all of a sudden. I ran to the bathroom.

David held back my hair.
"Are you alright?" He asked. Poor thing is always so worried. I don't blame him, I'm a mess.
"Yeah, I'm okay now. What time is it?" I asked.
"It's 11:15 AM. Why?" My eyes widened a little.
'Oh, please. I'm probably just a little sick.' I thought.
"H-Hey, David...I think...maybe I should take a pregnancy test. Just in case! I'm probably just sick." I told him and brushed my teeth.

He looked hesitant, but then spoke.
"Um okay um I-" He was scared. I could tell, but so was I. I was only 18.
"David, you aren't mad at me, are you?" I asked nervously.
"Of course not! No matter what happens it'll be okay." He's so amazing. We hugged.
"I love you so much." He said into my shoulder.
"I love you, too."

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