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I had done a few lessons with Trevor and David, but David called...
"Hello, is this Lorie?" He said.
"Yes...David?" I was surprised he called me.
"Hello, love. I was just going to tell you to bring your guitar today instead, if your okay with that."
"Sure! Why?"
"Lovely, maybe you could play guitar for me, too, sometimes." He said. I could tell he was smiling.
"Yeah, that would be really cool." I said happily.
"Perfect. I'll see you this afternoon. Have a nice day at school."
"See ya." I said quickly.

'He told me to have a nice day at school!!' I yelled in my head. I finished getting ready for school, put on my jacket, and went to knock on Kim's bedroom door. (I was still living with them.)
"Kim, guess what!" I yelled, knocking on her door.
"What!?" She asked.
"Let me in and I'll tell you!" I heard her get up from her chair and she opened her door.
"Tell meee!!" She pulled me into her room.

"Okay, so David called to ask me to bring my guitar to the lesson today, and when we were saying bye he told me to have a nice day at school!!" At this point I was jumping up and down.
"He has a crush on you, I just know it!" She shoved me lightly.
"No he don't, he's just adorable and sweet." I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever, let's head to school."


We were walking down the street to school and made it to Keith's house to walk with him.
"What's up little flower?" Kim said to Keith. He rolled eyes.
"Don't call me that!" He said and poked her in the forehead.
"Come on, quit screwing around. We'll be late, and we don't need Ms. Hawks up our asses all day." I pushed them along.


Kim and I got home from school and immediately started getting my guitar and amp into the car. I went to my room to change. I picked out my favorite leather jacket with pins and patches on it, a black graphic tee, and black flare pants. I wet my hair and scrunched it up with my hands to make it extra curly and put a place bandanna on my head, then I put on my black boots.

I walked out to the car with Kim and got in.
"So, are you ready to see your boyfriend?" She teased.
"I'll bet he's gonna ask you out soon."
" he's not." I rolled my eyes for the billionth time.
"Just wait." She said smugly.


We got to the studio and I grabbed my stuff and walked in. I went to the room where I usually do my lessons.
"Hi Lorie!" David said. He looked very cute.
"I brought my guitar...where's Trevor?" I looked around the room.
"It's just me and you today." He told me and got his guitar out.

I sat in the chair I always do and started preparing everything.
"How was school?" He asked. I blushed.
"It was okay. Not very eventful as always." We giggled.
"How was your day?" I asked.
"It was good. I couldn't wait to see you all day." He smiled and continued to tune his guitar.
"I couldn't wait, either." I admitted.

I plugged my guitar into the amp. My guitar was pure black.
"That's a beautiful guitar." David admired it.
"Thanks. I still haven't named it, though."
"I'm sure I can help you with that." He smiled.

He pulled out sheet music and handed it to me.
"We'll work on Starman today." I nodded and took the sheet music. I looked at it and saw one sheet that was out of place. I read the title. Ashes to Ashes.
"Is this a new one?" I asked.
"Oh, yeah. Haven't even recorded it yet." I nodded.
"I can't wait to hear it someday." I smiled and he smiled back.
"Okay, let's begin." With that, he started teaching me. I could listen to his voice forever. He was really good a teaching guitar, too.


The lesson came to an end, and we started putting stuff away.
"Think of a name yet?" He asked. I thought for a moment.
"How about...Ashes?" I looked at him for approval.
"I love it." I blushed.

I finished putting everything away and leaned against the wall. David walked up to me.
"You did really well today. You learn quickly."
"Thank you." I said. We stared at each other. Not in a weird way, but we just looked into each other's eyes. He started getting closer to me.
'Holy shit.' I thought. My heart pounded. He kept leaning in. I knew what was happening.

We were only a couple inches from each other's faces. He put his hand on my cheek and kissed me. A few seconds he pulled away but kept his hand resting on my cheek. He suddenly removed his hand and backed away.
"I- I'm sorry I-" I cut him of.
"No, don't be sorry! It's fine! It was nice." I assured him. He looked back at me.
"Do you want to maybe...go out sometime?" He asked me nervously

'Kim was right.' I thought.
"Yeah, I would love to." I said. We stayed silent for a few moments.
"Well, I should get going. Kim is waiting." I gave him a quick small hug and left.
'I hate when Kim is right. Damn it, David. He's too damn cute.'

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