First Preformance

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My nerves were through the roof. I had never been so nervouse in my life. I would be performing infront of thousands of people.

I would be switching between guitar and bass for each performance. I was doing guitar for tonight. I was told not to get ready here because I would have a dressing room. I was surprised when I was told that.

I put everything I needed in the car. Kim and her parents were taking me. Me and Kim got in the back seat.
"On a scale of 1-10 how nervouse are you?" Kim asked.
"8 1/2. I've only done 2 guitar lessons with David." I said.


We made it to the stadium and parked in the back where we were told. I got out of the car and security walked up to me.
"Name?" He asked me.
"Lorie Austin." I responded with a smile. He nodded and walked back to the wall. Kim's family got out to help me. Kim's dad got my guitar out and handed it to me. It was in a case so I was able to carry it on my back. Then I took out the duffle bag that held the outfit I was to wear.

I took a deep breath.
"I'll look for yall in the crowd." I said.
"We'll see you after, sweetie!" Kim's mom said. I smiled and walked through the door with security.

I immediately saw David. I went to him first because there were a ton of strangers there and my social anxiety was crazy.
"Hello, love. Just in time. We're going to get changed and do our makeup." He said, and put his arm around my shoulders. My heart sped up.
"Here's your dressing room. But don't do your makeup without me! I think it would be fun if we did it together." He said. Too cute. I giggled.
"Okay, we can do that." I couldn't control my wide smile.

I went into my dressing room and put everything down. I opened the duffle bag to find the outfit I've been dying to wear all week. It was leather pants, a worn Guns n' Roses crop top (just pretend they exist in the early 70s),  a studed belt and black boots. And of course, a bandana to wear on my head.

I put on the outfit and teased my hair (kinda like how Axle Rose does his hair with a bandana.) I put on some fingerless leather gloves and headed to David's dressing room.

I knocked and he opened the door...with nothing on but underwear. I inhaled slowly.
"Come on in if you want. I'm gonna do my makeup before putting on the outfit. I can't ruin it." He motioned for me to go in, so I did.

"You look incredible." He said looking me up and down. I blushed and looked down. He pulled out a giant makeup kit.
'Dayum.' I thought.
"We're both gonna do black and silver can pick the lipstick...can I put the eyeshadow on you?" He asked me with puppy dog eyes. He obviously loved makeup.
"Of course!" I giggled. I did a mini happy dance and got everything ready.

We sat criss cross applesauce across from each other. He got a small makeup brush and dipped it in the black eyeshadow.
"Close your eyes." He said softly and placed his other hand under my chin. He gently blended the shadow on my eye lids. Next, he dipped the brush in the silver eyeshadow, and placed his had back under my chin. It was honestly really relaxing.

He finished up the rest of my makeup and he let me do his, but neither of us had any lipstick on yet.
"Let's do lipstick now." He said. He grabbed a sheer champagne colored lipstick, and I chose a blood-red matte lipstick.

When we were done applying it, he looked at me.
"You look stunning." He smiled at me.
"So do you." I said with a smirk and leaned a little closer to him. I gazed into his eyes. (He was still half naked lmao). We were about to kiss when someone walked in.
"Ten minutes!" They said. We pulled away quickly.

He turned around and grabbed his outfit. It was similar to the one he wore when they first met. It was a sweater-like jumpsuit with one sleeve.

 It was a sweater-like jumpsuit with one sleeve

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He slipped it on. He looked amazing.
"This is my first time seeing this outfit. It's incredible." I said.
"Thank you!" A man's voice behind me said. I turned around to see who it was. I've met him.
"Oh! Hi Kansai!"
"Hi! I brought accessories." He said. He walked up to David and gave him some bracelets and anklets. It looked very futuristic.

"Lorie?" Someone called from the door.
"Yes?" I walked up to the woman who called for me.
"Band is going up first. Follow me." She said. We stopped at my dressing room to get my guitar, then we caught up with rest of the band. The lights dimmed as we walked on stage. I plugged my guitar into the large amp and waited. I was shaking slightly. One, because it was outside, so it was kinda cold, two, because I was nervouse.

David walked on stage and that was our cue to start Ziggy Stardust. I stayed towards the middle of the stage with the rest of the band, but I had to get in the front eventually. We ended the song and David started talking to the audience. I could have sworn I heard Kim squeal somewhere put there.

We began the next song. Starman. I especially enjoyed playing this song. After a little while I got the courage to move closer to the front of the stage with David. I walked up to him and he looked so happy. It was time for my guitar solo. David had told me to have some fun with it, so I did. I added some extra snazz to it. David came up to me and...started messing with me and my guitar. We laughed as I continued my solo. He poked at my guitar and messed with my hair. When I finished my solo, I stepped back a little. We continued to have a great time on stage.


We bowed and said goodbye. We walked off stage together. We all hugged and high-fived.
"You did perfect." David whispered in my ear, and gave me chills. I went to my dressing room to put my guitar away, then went back to David's dressing room for the meet and greet. I walked in and sat down next to David.
"Imma be sore for a few days." I said.
"Me too." Responded. We hearn a knock on the door. I looked at David. He nodded.
"Come in!" I called.


A group of 3 boys around my age and two teenagers around 16 came in.
"Hello!" David said.
"Hi!" They all said back. I smiled. It made me happy that people love David so much.
David got up and took my hand to pull me up with him. We stood together and spoke to his fans. The two girls were nice, but the guys kept eying me weird. They would smirk at me, and wink, and glare at me.

David let go of my hand.
"I'm going to go take of the bracelets really quick. I'll be right back." He walked into the bathroom and started taking off the bracelets and anklets. The girls were sitting on the couch and talking, but the boys walked up to me and reached for my waist.

I pushed him off and backed up, but they continued to get closer. Another one snuck behind me and slapped my ass. I turned around quickly and shoved him. I walked to David.

"I'm staying here. Those boys are getting all touchy-feely with me." I rolled my eyes.
"There WHAT!?" I'd never seen David angry before.
"Okay, calm down, it's okay. Leave them. They're not worth our time. They gotta go soon anyways."

Suddenly, David's eyes widened.
"Hey!" He yelled. I looked behind me to see the boys getting all up on the girls. Me and David ran up to them and pulled them off.
"Leave!" I yelled, "Get out! Their not your toys!" I pushed them out the door. David was standing in front of the girls in case they decided to touch her again. They were still standing in the doorway.
"Security!" Me and David yelled at the same time. We told security what was happening and they escorted those three...gentlemen, out. I took a deep breath.

I walked to the girls.
"Are you ladies okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, we new they were creepy the second we saw them." They told me and David.
"Same. They were getting weird with me too." I said.
"You girls are safe now. We'll have security escort you to your ride so you're not alone." He said. They nodded and stood up. A security gaurde was waiting for them at the door.
"Bye, girls, thanks for stopping by." Davis said. They walked out and I sighed.

I turned to David.
"Well...I hope karma bits those boys in the ass." David said. I scoffed.
"Seriously. They have no respect whatsoever." Me and David sat on the couch. And chatted for a few minutes, then we got into more comfortable clothes. We then had some snacks and played a board game with the band. I started getting tired. I think David could tell because he made me lay in his lap (he has clothes this time). I drifted off.

I think this is my longest chapter...I'm proud. This fanfic is honestly kinda cringy but like it adds ✨character✨

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