The Day After

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⚠️TW for like half the chapter⚠️

I woke up on the couch. I felt like I had been hot by a truck. I tried to sid up, but my ribs hurt and I had a headache.
"Kim?" I said.
"Oh, hun, she went to school. You're staying home today." Kim's mom told me.
"Oh...did David get home okay?" I asked her.
"Yes, but he was awfully worried. Yoy gave him quite the scare." She said with a slight smile.

I tried to sit up again, this time a little faster so I could just get it over with.
"I'm gonna shower. It might help the soreness." I said.
"Okay, you do that, sweetie."

I went in the bathroom and took of my clothes. The had small bits of blood here and there. I stepped into the shower and let the warmth sooth my muscles. I thought about the night before. I had so much fun with David. That's pretty much all I remember. After that everything is blurry.

I finished rinsing my hair and got out. I wrapped my towel around me and went to my room. I put on a simple black cropped tank top and sweat pants. Suddenly, as I was brushing my hair, all of the bad memories from last night flooded my head. I slowly lowered the brush as a tear ran down my face. My dad had never hurt me that bad before. Why did he hate me?

I sat on my bed trying hard not to think about what my dad had done to me, but I couldn't help it. I started sobbing into my pillow just as someone knocked on the door.
"Oh, hello David!" I heard Kims mom say from in the outside. Then footsteps coming towards my room.

"Lorie?" I heard David's voice.
"Can I come in?" He asked. He sounded sad.
"Yeah." I said almost too quietly. He opened the door and walked to me. He sat on the bed next to me and pulled me into his arms. He said nothing, just held me. I rested my head in the crook of his neck.
"I can't stop thinking about it." I croaked.
"It'll get better with time. I'm here for you, you'll be okay." He said and rubbed my back.
"Will you tell me some stories about touring? To distract me?" I asked.
"Sure, why not." He said, "One time I tried to play the guitar with my teeth."
I laughed, but carefully so my ribs wouldn't hurt to bad.
"How did that work out for you?"
" didn't work." He said.
(He literally did it.)

David continued to rub my back and tell me some funny stories until we both fell asleep

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David continued to rub my back and tell me some funny stories until we both fell asleep.


I woke up again and I was sideways on the bed with my feet on David's stomach. David had his left arm under one of my legs, and the other on my ankle.
"How the hell-?" I muttered. I sat up carefully which made David wake up.
"What the fuck." He said. I giggled.
"I guess I move a lot in my sleep." I said. He laughed. It was raining pretty hard outside. I didn't even notice until loud thunder made me jump.
"Oh shit!" I said, surprised. I hate thunder.
"Are you scared of thunder?" David asked me.
"A little." I admitted.

He scooped my up in his arms and carried me to the living room. He sat me on the couch and wrapped me in a blanket.
"Let's do something. Something that doesn't require...movement." he said.
" about a movie." I suggested.
"Sure. Which one?"
"Umm...I like scary movies. Let's watch Halloween."
"Are you sure?" David raised an eyebrow.
"Why? Are ya scared?" I teased.
"No, I'm worried about you." I laughed at that.
"Well, I guess you're just going to have to snuggle up a little bit closer to me, huh?" I said seductively.
'What am I doing?" I thought, 'damn he does things to me.'

He bit his lip slightly.
"I guess so." He said. I mentally screamed. He started the movie and sat next to me. I was fine until I wasn't. Laurie (*gasp* Laurie and Lorie) had just stabbed Micheal and I didn't expect him to come back. I held the blanket closer to me. David looked at me and pulled me into his chest.


I looked up at David.
'His jawline is sharper than Micheal Myers knife.' I thought. I sat up and straddled David. I didn't even hesitate to kiss him. David kissed me back with hunger. He put one of his hands on the back of my head and tangled his fingers in my black hair. David picked me up and brought me to my room. Luckily, Kim's whole family was at work or school, so it was just me and David.

David kissed down my jaw and my neck. He found my sweet spot and I let out a sof moan. He started to trace under my shirt, asking to remove it. I pulled off my shirt leaving me in my bra. We...continued...and...ya know...had our fun.


I laid next to David, completely out of breath. David picked me up again and put us in the shower. We made a bit of a...mess. We stood in the warm water together. I could barely keep myself upright. He really went at it.
"I can hardly stand." I said, holding onto his arm.
"Good." He said smugly. I smirked and finished up.


Me and David were listening to records when Kim got home.
"Is anyone home?" She called.
"We're here!" I yelled from my room. Hotel California started playing, so I turned it up a little. Kim walked in her. She saw my unmade bed and immediately was suspicious.
"David, can I speak to you for a second?" She said.
"" He followed her out of the room.

"Did you use consent!?" She yelled.
"Did you use protection!?" She yelled even louder. I paused for a moment. Did we!?
"Yes." David said.
"Oh...I guess I don't have to hit you...welp, what y'all want for dinner?" They walked back into my room. I looked at her with a raised brow.
"Damn." I said,"...well, I want pizza."
They both agreed. We spent the rest of the night having a sleepover thingy idk lol.

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