Date Night Disaster

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The night had come. My date with David. Kim had insisted on helping me get ready.
"I'm gonna make you make his jaw drop." She said as she rummaged through my closet (still living with Kim). She handed me some dark green flare jeans, a grey graphic crop top, and a brown leather jacket. As I put everything on, I kept wondering where he was going to take me. He said it was a surprise.

I finished putting on my outfit and Kim came back in my room to help me with hair and makeup. She parted my hair in the middle and feathered the front. Then, she gave me a dark smokey eye. She finished by putting highlight on my cheek bones.

I admired myself in the mirror for a few seconds.
"Thank you Kim. I look amazing." I complimented her work. She was the best at makeup in my eyes. I sat on my bed and listened to Led Zeppelin until I heard a knock on the door. Kim shot up and pulled me out of my bedroom.
"Omg, it's time! Remember, if anything gets a little hot, have him wrap it before he smash it!" She said, a little too loudly.
"Shut it!" I said.

I opened the door, and David stood there looking amazing. His outfit was amazing, as always.

 His outfit was amazing, as always

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"Hi David." I said shyly.
"Hello, love. Are you ready?" He asked.
"Yeah, let's go." I said, but what I didn't expect was that he grabbed my hand and held it until we got to the car. There was a bodyguard in the car who would be coming with us just in case, because of paparazzi.

He opened the door for me and then walked around to the other side of the car and sat with me in the back.
"You look lovely." He said to me.
"So do you." I smirked. We continued to talk about life.


We pulled up to the surprise place.
"A drive-in? I've never been to this one. It's beautiful." I said. There were lights and colorful signs and it was almost completely empty.
"I'm glad you like it." He said. We found a place to park the car and we let the roof of the car down.
"Paul, would you leave us alone for a moment?" He asked the bodyguard. (Idk I couldn't think of a better name so he pAuL). Paul stepped out of the car and headed to the food stand.

"I just wanted to let you know that you've been an amazing addition for the band. I really appreciate you." He told me.
"Aww, thank you. If it weren't for you, I would be trapped with my scary parents. Thank you." I said to him. We watched the movie for about 30 minutes before I started to get cold. I shivered and wrapped my jacket closer to me.
"Come here, love." David said and pulled me close to him. I laid my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me.
'What happened to Paul?' I thought.

"Hey, David?"
"...where did Paul go?" I sat up and looked around, and David did too.
"Look, he's over there with...a woman!" He said. I followed his gaze to see...Paul talking to a random lady!
"Haha! Looks like he's found himself a girl." I laughed. David suddenly jumped out of the car.
"Come on!" He said and grabbed my hand. We ran down the small hill and hid behind a sign. We listened to Paul and that lady flirting...and then they started talking dirty.

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