Ziggy Stardust

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We finally made it to the stadium. We got out of the car and made our way in line. I was ecstatic.
"Hey, Keith, lemme take a drag." Keith handed me his cigarette and I took a long drag. We waited in line for about 20 minutes. Every now and then people would start singing Rock n' Roll Suicide, and we would join in.

"Yay! We're going in!" Kim said. We all shuffled inside and got to our seats that most likely wouldn't be used.
"So, how do these passes work?" Keith asked.
"Well, when the concert is over we go to Bowies dressing room and talk, I guess."
"Omg, I still can't believe we're gonna meet him!" I stated.

About 10 minutes later, the lights dimmed. Everyone, including me, Kim, and Keith, began cheering.

The first song began. Ziggy Stardust! We all sang along.

"Now Ziggy played guitar
Jamming good with Weird and Gilly
And The Spiders from Mars
He played it left hand
But made it too far
Became the special man
Then we were Ziggy's Band"

We were having such a great time. Once the song ended, David began to speak.
"Hello, loves!" He said.
"Hi!!" We all yelled back. We were front row, so I know he heard my loud ass. (I'm sorry lmao.)

"How is everyone doing tonight?" David asked the crowd.
"Good!!!" We yelled back.

"The next song I'm going to play for you guys is apparently very popular amongst you, given you we're all performing it for me earlier." He said. We all laughed as the music began.

"Time takes a cigarette, puts it in your mouth
You pull on your finger, then another finger, then your cigarette
The wall-to-wall is calling, it lingers, then you forget
Oh oh, oh, oh, you're a rock 'n' roll suicide"

Again, we all sang along. David made his way to the front of the stage. I put my arms out as he was touching people's hands. He got to me and grabbed my hand for a good 3 seconds. It felt like more.

"Omg, Kim! Keith! Did you see that!? He held my hand!" I told the two of them.
"Yes! He touched mine, too!" Keith said to me. I giggled at him.


The concert came to an end. We screamed and cheered for David and the Spiders....from Mars (I'll stop.)

"What now?" I asked.
"Security is supposed to escort us to David." Kim informed me and Keith. We then heard an announcement saying that VIP's need to meet in the lobby.

We walked to the lobby...or more  like pranced. We saw a small line of 4 people.
"This way, ladies and gentlemen." We followed security down a bright hallway. We stopped at a door and he went over some rules.
"Before you go in, you aren't allowed to touch him or yell at him." We all nodded and he opened the door. We walked in and there he was.

"Hello lovies!" He said to us. Everyone replied to him excitedly, but I found myself being quite shy. Someone, who I assume worked with David, was filming us. David then turned to the camera.
"These are my friends." He said to the camera. We laughed. I love how he refers to his fans as his friends.

"So, how did you like my performance?" He asked sassly. A good sassy.
"It was amazing." I said softly, still shy. Everyone agreed. He looked at me for a couple seconds.
"I remember you! You were front row." He said to me.
"I also remember your friends. Practcally climbing over you to see." We laughed again. He really has incredible humor.

His outfit was even more incredible up close. He wore a sweater-like romper with a turtleneck. On stage he also had a green boa, but that was resting on his chair now.

 On stage he also had a green boa, but that was resting on his chair now

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"Tell me about yourselves!" He motioned for us to sit on a couch. He had us go in order. The people we didn't know went first. Then Keith. Then Kim. Now me.
"My name is Lorie. I'm eighteen. I love your music so much. I play electric guitar and bass, and I practice to your songs. I'm really happy to be here. Your so talented!" I said to him.
"Thank you, Lorie, I'm so glad you enjoy my music! I wish I could see you play." We made eye contact.
'Oh my Lord.' I thought.
He cleared his throat.
"I actually would really like to see you play if you don't mind. You can use my bass." I froze for a moment.
"Really?" I asked.
"Sure! I love it when my fans share their talents with me." He said.
"Oh, um, okay, why not?"

He left the room and came back a second later with a dark brownish/red bass. It was beautiful.
"Here you are." He said, handing me the bass. I adjusted myself and began playing the beat for The Man Who Sold the World.

When I finished, David, Keith, Kim, and the others clapped. I smiled at them, and handed the bass back to David.
"Thank you, that was a lot of fun." I said to him.
"No, thank you! That was amazing. In fact," he paused and pulled me to the side, "do you mind staying a little late to talk with me?" I couldn't believe my ears.
"I- yes! I mean- I can do that." He giggled at my nervousness.
"Sounds like a plan." He said.

We went back to the rest of the people and continued to chat.

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