Bass Player

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Kim, Keith, and I were the only people left. We pretty much just chatted together. It was a lot of fun.
"So, what were you and David talking about?" Kim asked.
"He asked me to stay a little longer after." I told them. Keith looked at me with a smirk. I widened my eyes.
"Oh my Lord! Keith, don't be weird!" I whispered yelled at him. We laughed.

We walked out into the hallway.
"You guys should wait in the car, I'll be out soon."
"Okay, you better tell us everything when you're done!" Kim said.
"I will! Now shoo!" I joked.

I went back into David's dressing room.
"So...what did you want to talk about?" I asked shyly.
"Well, we've been needing another bass player. You seem really good at playing, and I was wondering if you would maybe like to be our new bass player."

I stood there in absolute shock.
'Am I dreaming?' I thought.
"I- um- I...yes!"
"Perfect! We'll have to teach you all of the songs. What songs of mine do you already know how to play?" He asked me.
"Oh, um, The Man Who Sold the World, Fame, Five Years, and a bunch more." I informed him.
"We'll you've got a head start. Here's our current bass players number and studio adress, he can teach you some more. I'll be at most of the lessons. Can you be there on Sunday?"
'The day after tomorrow.' I thought.

"Yeah, I can. What time?"
"2:00?" He said.
"That works!" He smiled his beautiful smile, which made me smile right back.
"Well, that's all. I'll see you Sunday, love?" I blushed.
"Yes, I'll be there." I shook his hand.

"I'll have security walk you out, just in case. You know how concerts are. Lots of drunk people." He said, while motioning for security.

"See you soon, love." He waves to me.
"Bye. See you Sunday." Me and the security guard walked to Keith's car.
"Thank you!" I said before he nodded and walked away.

"Soooo....?" Keith was making a face again.
"Did you...ya know..." Kim teased.
"No! Now you stop that!" I shoved the two of them.
"Even better, (not really better but ya know😏) he wants me to be his guitar player!" I told them excitedly.

Kim and Keith screamed.
"HOLY FUCK YOUR GONNA BE FAMOUSE!!!" Keith turned around in his seat and grabbed my face and squeezed it.
"I don't know about that." I said, my voice muffled. He let go of my face and Kim grabbed me by the collar of my jacket.
"Bitch, yes you are! You can sing, too! I'm sure he'll let you sing!"
"I hope so!" I said.

" smell like him. Vanilla and roses." She said dramatically.
"Really!?" They laughed.
"Yes! Never wash those clothes!" Keith joked.

We pulled out of the parking lot and headed home. It was 1 AM. We dropped Kim off first.
"By, sexy!" I shouted out the window.
"Bye, yall!"

When we got to my house, the lights were off. That's a good sign.
"Bye, douche bag." I said.
"Bye, shit head. And be careful. If your parents do anything call me or Kim!"
"I will, don't worry. Now I need to get some rest. Goodnight."
"'Night." I stepped out of the car.


I went to my window and opened it. I pulled myself through. Suddenly, I heard a loud crash next to me.
"Fuck!" I whisper shouted. I had knocked over a glass that was on my window sill.

I heard footsteps. Then the door opening. Then the light switch being flipped. Then I saw my dad. With a bottle of beer.

"I can explain!" I said frantically, still only half way through the window.
"What the fuck are you doing!? Did you sleep with someone!?" He yelled and pulled me inside by the hair.

He raised his hand and slapped me. I was kinda used to it, but it still hurt.
"Please! Let me tell you what happened!" I begged.
"Shut up, slut! Don't speak to me!" He hit me again, but much harder. I fell back and landed on my arm. I felt the muscle tearing.

After his tantrum, he left and slammed the door. I stumbled to my feet and went to the phone.

I dialed Kim's number and waited as it rang.
"Hello?" I heard her voice suddenly.
"Kim! Please help. My dad heard me and he hurt me, can I please go to your place? Please?" I said with a shaky voice.
"Omg, yes, get over here immediately! What hurts?"
"He slapped me on my face and hit me in the stomach, then I fell and fucked up my arm."
"Oh shit! Hurry up and get here! My mom will help you out!" I love her mom. She's like my better mother.
"Okay I'll be there in 10."

I hung up and went back out through my window. I walked down the street, shivering. It was October, so it was pretty cold. I walked up to her front door and knocked. Kim opened the door.

"Shit! You look horrible!" She exclaimed.
"Thanks." I said sarcastically.
"No! You have a black eye! Get in here!"

She led my to her bathroom, then left. She came back with her mother a minute later.
"Oh, sweetie, what happened!?" She ran up to me and pulled me into a hug.
"I'm okay, Ms. Rhodes. My parents again." I told her.
"Honey, I am not letting you back there! I cannot stand what they do to you, it breaks my heart! You stay here, hun. It's safer."
"Ms. Rhodes, I don't want to be a burden-" she cut me off.
"Oh, please. You stay here! You're like my second daughter." I smiled at her.

"Now, let's see," she examined my face and arm. "Ouch." She said.
"You're gonna need some ice for that. Kimmy, sweetheart, go get some ice!"
"Don't call me Kim's! I'll be right back."

I shifted in my seat and flinched. My stomach was extremely sore.
"Oh, honey, what hurts!?" She asked.
"My stomach. My dad hit me there." She looked shocked.
"That can cause to much damage let me see!" (She's a nurse, I forgot to mention.)
I pulled up my shirt just enough so she could see. There was a large bruise covering about a quarter of my stomach.
"Let's have you lay down so I can see better." We moved to the couch and I lied down.

She poked at my stomach, and let me just tell you, it HURT.
"It doesn't look like there's any internal bleeding, but you'll definitely be sore for a while." I sit up slowly and rubbed my eyes.

She finished fixing me up and I fell asleep in the guest bedroom. I dreamt about David, my bass, and nightmares about my parents.

Hello! I hope you liked it! It's kinda dark...but whatever.

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