What Will He Think?

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It was now Sunday. My eye looked worse, my stomach looked worse. Everything hurt, but that wasn't gonna stop me from going to the bass lesson.

I got up out of bed slowly, but it still hurt. I winced and sat there for a minute. I stood up and got my outfit out for the day. A flare sleeve paisley crop top and high waisted shorts. Only the top of the bruise was visible, but not super noticeable. My eye, on the other hand, couldn't be covered with makeup.

I sighed and started doing my hair. I put it into a low bun and left my bangs out. Then I remembered. My bass!
"My bass! Kim, my bass! It's at that hell hole! How am I supposed to get it!?" I ran up to her and grabbed her shoulders.
"Calm down, my dad went to get it for you. Apparently your parents left. Their car isn't there." She said.
"They left? ...hallelujah!" I said with a smile.

I went back to the guest room and put on my dark purple knee-high socks and brown platform heels. I walked back out of my room to see Kim's dad bring in my bass and amp.

'I should tune it now.' I thought. I grabbed the small tuner in the case. I began tuning it until it was time to go. Kim was bringing me.

We got in her mom's fancy red Mustang and sped off.
"Are ya nervouse?" She asked me.
"Yeah, but it'll go well, I just know it."


We pulled up to the studio. It was pretty big which made it more intimidating.
"Okay, I'll see you in two hours?"
"Yeah, don't forget to pick me up like that one time in Boulder." I messed with her.
"Omg, just go! Don't fall in love!" She said.
"Oh please. Enough of that! See you later, Kim." I got out of the car and walked to the trunk to grab my stuff. Suddenly, I hear a bell ring coming from the studio. Someone opened the door. I looked up to see David walk towards me.
'Oh shit, here we go.' I thought.

"Hello, love. You made it." He said, and studied my face.
"What happened to your eye, are you okay?" He looked concerned. Before I could respond I heard Kim squeal.
"OMG HE'S NEXT TO THE CAR!" She yelled. I yelled back through the trunk.
"Cool it, girlie, he'll make me leave!" I said half jokingly. David laughed at our nonsense and I turned to face him again.

"I'll explain my eye later. It's a long story." As I finished saying that, his gaze reached my stomach.
'Welp, he saw it.'

"Here, let me help you." He said, and reached for the bass, leaving the smaller amp for me. I could tell he was worried.
'He probably thinks there's something wrong with me.' I thought.

We walked inside the studio. It was really nice. Well decorated and everything. He took me to a room with another guy who looked to be about David's age (20s). He motioned for me to sit down on a chair, and the other guy started getting his bass ready.

I say down, but of course it hurt like a bitch. I winced and David noticed.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Oh, um, yeah." I said, not very believable. He looked at me as he nodded, even more concerned. I honestly wanted to cry.

The other man walked up to me and shook my hand.
"Hi, I'm Trevor. Trevor Bolder." He had long hair. I definitely remembered him from the concert.
"Hi, I'm Lorie Austin." I replied with a smile.
"So, how about we start with hooking up the amp." He pulled out his amp, as did I.

I took out my bass. It was a glossy dark brown color.
"That's a nice bass. What'd you name her?" David asked me.
"Her name is Rosalyn." I said proudly.
"I love it." They said at the same time. I smiled as I continued adjusting the amp.

When I was all adjusted, Trevor began speaking.
"So, I was thinking we should start with a song you do know. You pick. Doesn't have to be Bowie." David giggled and leaned against the wall.
"Umm...how about Come Together by The Beatles?"
"Perfect, let's do it. Whenever you're ready."

I waited a few seconds then started playing. This song was one that I had been practicing for months, so it wasn't PERFECT but it was still pretty good.

When I was done, Trevor was...shook to say the least.
"I told you she's good." David said.
"That was incredible. How long have you been playing for?" He asked.
"5 years." I said.
"You definitely have talent." Trevor told me. I was honestly really proud of myself.

Trevor then pulled out some sheet music.
"I'm going to teach you this song. You probably know it." He handed me the paper.

The top of it read "Queen Bitch".
"I love this song." I said, "It's one of my favorites." In the corner of my eye I could see David smile. I knew he was proud of his music. I would be.

We began practicing. I picked it up pretty quickly because I listened to that song so often.


We practiced for an hour. I was surprised at how well I sounded in a studio. Must have been the sound proof room.
"You did really well, Lorie." David said.
"Thanks! I had a lot of fun." I got up out of my chair and winced...again.

"Poor thing, what happened? I'm sorry, but you're all beaten up. I'm worried for you." I stood there for a few seconds.
"Um...there's just a lot happening at home. I can't talk about it right now." I told him softly with tears glazing my eyes. His eyes were soft as he looked at me sadly.
"That's fine. We'll be working together a lot and I just want my new friend to be safe. Whatever is happening, you can tell me. I understand why you don't want to though." He smiled softly at me and I smiled back.

"I'll help you again." He said as he picked up my bass, once again leaving the amp for me. We walked out and Kim was already waiting there for me. I opened the trunk and gently put down the amp, then David put the bass down, too.

"So, when do you want me to come back?" I asked David.
"Does Wednesday at 4:00 work? I reckon you have school."
"Yeah, that works. I'll see you then?"
"I hope so. See you soon, love." He blushed and waved making me smile and blush.

He headed back inside the studio and I got in the car.
"Hey, baddie! How'd it go?" Kim asked excitedly.
"It went really well!" I started telling her everything we did. When I was done she stayed silent.
"What, bish!?" I asked.
"I think-...I think David has a little crush on you." She said.
"Oh, I highly doubt that!" I shoved her gently.
"Just you wait." She mumbled.
'She's losing it." I thought.

We pulled in to the driveway and I got out and grabbed all of my stuff. We went inside and sat on the couch. I layed my head back and started to drift off thinking about what Kim had said.

Yall are probably wondering: "when is seggs time?" You juST WAIT OKAI.

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