Chapter 10. Extistential crisis

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I had to leave a few days later. I had been in America for about a week. KC cried when we got to the airport. "Shh babe babe come here." I nuzzled her into my chest. "It's gonna be okay I'll see you on facetime and Skype and before you know it you'll be in London for spring break." I said. "I-I know b-but w-what I-if I c-can't g-go." She hiccuped. "Calm down you'll be able to afford it, if you need money I'll lend you some." She pulled away right after I said it. "No you don't have to do that!" She shouted. "I can take care of myself."
"I'm sure you can. im sorry." I soothed.
"Flight 920 to London is now boarding. Flight 920." We heard over the loud speaker. She cried even more. "Babe I gotta go I'll call you as soon as I land I promise. I love you." I kissed her forehead and she let go of me. "I love you too." She whispered. I kissed her one last time and boarded my plane. When I got back to London I went back to the university and started to work harder on my law career. But then something horrible happened. I was studying for a test and all of a sudden I had an existential crisis. I started questioning the point of life and my existence and it was like I had fallen into a black hole and I needed help. Phil didn't know what to do so I called KC immediately. "Hello?" The sound of her voice made me shake. "KC something's wrong." I heard her panicking on the other end. "Dan? Dan honey speak to me!" she tried to soothe me but it didn't work. I was lost in some trans. "dan? Dan! Speak to me baby what's wrong!!" She was in a panic. "I just don't know." I answered finally. "Don't know what?" She said. "The meaning of life. What's the point of life? Why are we here? WHY DO I EVEN EXIST?!" I realized how much I was scaring her. When suddenly I felt light headed. I hung up the phone and passed out on the floor. When I woke up phil was there with some water. And I was lying down on the couch. "Dan are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine. What happened?" I was so confused. "it seems you had an existential crisis." He told me. "What?" What the heck was that? "It's when you question the existence of the universe and stuff." He explained. After that I had this problem quite often and I decided to quit law school. It was too much to handle. Now I knew that Mr. Taylor wouldn't approve on my progress and probably wouldn't approve of me. But I had to deal with it. As long as I loved KC I dont care what he thinks. I decided to call KC and Aleah and let them know that I'm okay. "OH THATS SUCH A RELIEF!" KC sounded a lot better knowing that I was okay. I hope I didn't cause her too much trouble. Right now my life was upside down. But when we got a call from BBC it all got better.

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