chapter 25

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The song above is good.. come on click it..

I choose to ignore the side task for a while.

When think about it,  is this game world only have a villainess?  Does villain count?

"Villain..? "
Without realise,  i mumbling out ny thought.
But then, i decided to not take seriously about it

Then i look up ahead,  witnessed three pairs of eyes  constantly gaze at the same direction

Without thinking so hard..
I tried to move abit to left,  and saw that the three pairs of eyes consciously gaze toward to the left.
Then i tried to take another move to the right..
The eyes also gaze to the right.

I look at them confusedly,  is there something on me?
I quickly check my whole body,
'Everything check, no sign of lack of perfection on my dress'

"Pfft,  ex-cuse me for my rudene-ss.. "
The white hair guy let out a hardly laugh.

"Eoh? "
I dont understand. Why is he laughing?

"Your sister sure is interesting... !haha!"

"Of course she is! So she always precious baby to me!"
At state of confusion that at a high peek. Suddenly a big hand like a  aeroplane landing on my head,  continually patting and give a sign of warm comfort. I smile in satisfication,  'brother sure is the best'

'Mm whatever'
I tend to not take  the  current situation  seriously until a melody is filled the hall the currently was echoing of the sound of nobles that chit-chatting.

Then i saw some nobles desperately searched a partner to dance.

'Oh,  a dance session.. that seem quite fun.. i wondered who the person will dance with me"

I look at brother and saw a bunch of noble ladies surround him,  the twins also not that lack attractive..
"*chuckle.. ikemen guys"

I saw at the left corner,  Carlos Jordan also not lacking of admire,  especially Florence thurnsberg. She so desperately tried to clinging on him and at the same time use her murderous look to lure out the nobles ladies.

I tried my best to hold my laugh and carefully not to burst out so that my insanity can still exist in nobles' eyes.

Even though,  the mad dog still exist but i dont want to make it even worst.

There stand a man who continously turn down all the ladies' offer to dance.

He seem to take the ladies as a nuisance.

Until his eyes land on someone that stand at the corner who seem in daze with smile that keep potraying.

She dont really dont care about surrounding,  and seem at her own world with the eyes keep gazing toward three guys that surrounding by ladies.

Then she turn her gaze toward at the corner of the hall,  he eventually move his gaze toward direction that she keep staring on.

Again he witnessed a guys that surrounded by ladies,  and why she keep on staring at them.

Without his realizing,  he feel a weird feeling about it,  it's not some hatred at her but instead of the uneasiness toward her action that keep on staring at other guys.

Soon he feel guilty at his action that he give toward her previous encounter.
Sure is she doesnt have any motive any toward him.

Unconsiously, he move toward her and intend to ask her a dance as sign of apology.

But at the same time,  when he about to ask her for dance

Another guy suddenly approached her,..
Erudian clenched his first but refused to back off,.. then he quickly ask for her.
Turn out another guys coming fro  the other side also come.

In a blink of eyes,  the sum of the guys was three asking her for dance.
They gaze each other deathly,  and seem dont want to back off.

Poor girl who was clueless to the current situation that occur,..she juat standing there like a statue dont dare to move.


I just  finished look at Carlos' direction until
Erudian Ludwig

I look at the surroundinv until it landed in someone who name was mention by the system.

'He not coming here right? Nah it cant be right'

I look at the other tried to ignore it when someone ask me.

"May i have a dance lady? "
I look up at the person who was asking

Bernard Allan

Before i could answer, another voice make me look at the other direction

'Oh my fish! '
I caress my chest as sign of relief..
'This guy,  really give a nearly heart attack.'

Erudian Ludwig

"May i have a dance,  Miss Sylaine? "

I was dazed a moment,  am i in the right mind?

Is this the same person that just accused me for seducing him and why does he ask me for a dance?

I about to refused him until

"May i ask this lady for dance? "

A young man with white hair come from the other side.

The twin..but i dont know which one.

I look into his eyes deeply.

"I am sorry but i the first one who ask for this lady first so please excuse me,  Sir Gray and your highness"

"Wait,  she doesnt even agree yo you at? " Erudian se to be annoy at the guy that beside him.

"My lady,  will you dance with me? "
The white guy dont even spare a glance at duke and the crown prince,  bluntly ask the girl with the desparate eyes that keep on lock with her gaze.

'What going on? '
I look at them one by one until i turned my gaze to the nobles..
They seem so suprised.. and some ladies give me a horrible looks.

'Hey,  it's not my fault..!'

Dance with the heir of the duke
Bernard Allan

Dance with crown prince
Erudian Ludwig

Dance with The vampire twin Maddison Gray.

'So is the younger one..
Wait - how cant i face this situation?
There no punishment right if i just accept one of them? '

If the interest drop,
Penalty: *secret*


let me fainting with peace.

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