Chapter 20

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*Kelly’s POV*
We kept talking, well I kept signing. Although I felt like if I did then someone would hurt me. I didn’t want that, it was best to keep quiet. But I didn’t know why. They all came back with food. While eating, we all talked and signed for a bit.
I started being able to feel my body, feeling how much pain I was in. I gasped, trying to keep pressure away from my lower half. It hurt too much  to move and I didn’t know what to do.

“Get the doctor.” Griffin said, holding me tightly.
“What’s wrong?” she said, coming into the room.
“I think the painkillers wore off.” Griffin said, rubbing my back. My entire body hurt, either burning, stinging, feeling like someone had stabbed me. Nothing was going to help.

*Griffin's POV*
I held Kelly tighter but still trying not to hurt her. I just wanted to take her pain away. I hated watching her go through this. They got her sedated, I still held her, knowing it makes her feel safe.
“One more thing” The doc said.
“Keep her away from any sharp objects, take her gun, her knife. Monitor her medication.” I nodded and she left.

*Kelly’s POV*
I was able to go home a few days later, Griffin had to carry me everywhere. I felt like he was frustrated with me, which made me want to hide. He set me on the bed, making sure I was comfortable before carrying Shannon in.
I felt useless, I couldn’t do anything. I should be helping him. And instead he was helping me. He came back to the room with a plate of food.

“Here.”  I hesitantly took it. I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to eat, but I didn’t want him to get mad at me for not taking it. He left, and came back with his plate. I slowly ate my food,  once we were done, he took the plates into the kitchen. He came back in, turning on the lamp then turning off the light. We then fell asleep.

I’m in a room, I look beside me to see Maddie. Why are we here? I see a man walk into the room, I don’t know who he is. He point to Maddie and says “Emily” then Pointed to me and said “Emma”
The man throws me down on the ground, I look over seeing Griffin. I also see 5 other guys surrounding me. “GO” the man says. They all start hitting me until I’m unconscious. They all raped me. And Griffin was forced to watch.
*End of dream*

I shoot up from the bed, crying hysterically. I was really just hurting myself. Griffin jolted awake, gathering me into his arms. He tried comforting me, I tried pushing him away but he wouldn’t let me.

*Griffin’s POV*
I held her in my arms, hoping she would calm down.
“D-don’t let him hurt me…” Who was she talking about? I let go of her, turning on the lamp. I didn’t know who she was talking about. She looked at me, getting scared, realizing she spoke.
“I-I’m sorry.” She said over and over again. She was shaking uncontrollably. I pulled her back into my arms again.

“Don’t let who hurt you?” I said, in a very gentle voice. I didn’t want to scare her.
“T-the man”
“What man?”
“I-i don’t know.”
“Can you tell me what happened?”
“T-they hurt me...and y-you had to watch. And he pointed to me and maddie saying ‘emma and emily’” That could really be any time she was hurt.
“Can you tell me where we were?”
“A-a barn,” She said, I finally understood what she was talking about. But why wouldn’t she remember Jayden?
“Do you know the man’s name?”
“N-no” I nodded, grabbing my phone, calling Gibbs. She needed all of us right now. I also called the doctor, she came over too.

“So what happened?” She asked, coming into the room. I refused to leave Kelly, even though she was asleep.

“She had a nightmare about when  she and Maddie were taken, she remembers a man coming into a room. He pointed to her and said Emma and Maddie and said emily. The other one was about when we were 16, and kidnapped by Jayden. She remembers 6 guys raping her and them forcing me to watch.”
“But she didn’t remember who Jayden was?”
“No, How is that possible. She remembers being kidnapped, she remembers that we’re married but not Jayden.”

“She blocked all the bad stuff that happened in her life. But she will have nightmares. She thinks it’s just a random dream, when really it was a memory. She isn’t going to know it, that’s the hardest part. You’ll have to tell her, that it wasn’t fake, that it actually happened. Like I said, she will get her memory back. She’ll remember all the bad. You said she spoke?”

“Uh, yeah. I turned the lamp on and  I guess she realized she spoke, and started saying sorry, she even hesitantly took her food. So you’re saying that, she’s going to have nightmares, about each and every time she was hurt, and we have to be the ones to tell her that it isn’t fake that she really went through that.”

“Yes, that is exactly what I’m saying. Keep me posted.” She said, walking out.

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