Chapter 18: "Second Place is First Loser"

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Monday September 20th, 2010
David's POV:

    Someone please remind me why I joined the Warblers council again. This sectionals practice  is seriously making me reconsider my decision.

  "What if we sang in German? I doubt the judges would be expecting it." Ben proposed.

   "Yeah, they wouldn't be expecting it because nobody in their right mind would do that." I sassily snapped back.

   "Hear me out. Katy Perry and Lady Gaga tribute medley." Blaine announced proudly.

   "Pure genius. I say we go with Blaine." Kurt immediately responded. He was too blind by love to see what a terrible idea that was.

   "Guys, guys, guys just listen for a second!" Wes' powerful voice rose above the others. He rarely got aggressive, meaning that this was one of his really inspirational speeches.

   "We're not going to win by playing it safe. From what I've heard, the New Directions are switching things up this year and we need to follow their example. So, we're choosing songs written before 2000, open auditions will be held for the duet, and Blaine isn't getting a solo this competition."

  Blaine's jaw fell open be he gripped the edges of the leather couch. "I beg your pardon?!"

   "You singing the newest P!nk song while we all hum in the back isn't going to impress anyone, no offense. We'll win this as a team, a team where everyone gets to contribute something. No arguing. I'm usually pretty lenient but if we want to get to regionals this year we, changes have to be made. This is me putting my foot down."

   How could Wes alway do that? I've never gotten any of the guys to follow my instructions. There's a reason why he's the head of the council. Nobody can command a room like him, it's really admirable.

  "Wes is right", I added on. "Sectionals has a theme this time around and they'll be judging us on how well we interpret it. This year it's imagination. So the songs we picked will showcase that. Wes, Thad, and I decided on Don't dream it's over by Crowded House and Daydream Believer by The Monkees. The first will be a group number and we'll have open auditions for the Daydream Believer duet."

  The rest of the boys all seemed pleased with the song selection and chance to take lead. I was surprised none of them complained how we didn't let them have a say in our choices. It's just too close to the competition to fight over something else.

  Wes took charge again, making sure that we could get everything done before practice ended in an hour. "By the end of this meeting we should know all the solfege notes for both songs and hopefully we'll be able to read the lyrics without sheet music. Don't Dream it's over will be sung in three part harmony. Part one starts on la, part two on fa, part three on re. Get up and start running scales, we aren't getting any younger!"
  The rest of the practice had gone on without any hiccups. We learned all the notes and most of the lyrics. The auditions for Daydream would be held on Wednesday morning so that we could practice after school. I've never looked forward to Sectionals so much. We're tired of always coming second after all our hard work. We have phenomenal voices and plenty of charm to spare. The new directions won't know what hit them.

   "Thanks for all your help today, David. I think we really sold the idea to the guys. I just hope it's enough to beat McKinley. We've been in the game for longer but they've jumped in and won the underdog vote."

  I collected the rest of the sheet music, putting the staffs away. "I wouldn't be too worried about it. I have this feeling that there's some good luck coming out way."

  He set down his gavel and began pacing the floor. Shit. Not another panic attack, I hardly knew how to control the last one.

  "You don't think it's too much? I mean Blaine is kind of our key player and we aren't giving him a solo. We're completely scratching our normal choreography and older songs aren't really our thing. Isn't this self sabotage?"

   I sat him down and gently patted his back. "I'm gonna stop you before you spiral Wes. This is our time. Our time to prove that we're more than a second place choir of prissy birds. We all want this right? So let's win this, for us."

   His breathing slowed and he nodded. "Right. For us."

  "Besides, I personally would like a break from Beyoncé and side stepping."

  He chuckled and shoved my forearm. "You're the one who helps choose the songs and choreography, hypocrite."

   "Whatever. Last one to the dorm is a rotten egg!" I took off from the choir room. Beating me in everything was his favorite past time.

   "Oh, you're on Thompson!"

  Hey guys! I know this chapter is short and all fluff but I don't want to forget that there's more to this story then just relationships and drama. I am in choir so anything music related should be correct. Can't say the same about Wednesday's update unfortunately. That chapter will include some French so let me preface, *I do not know French and anything that isn't English is from google translate*. Just warning ya. Keep voting, commenting, and reading. Have a great morning, afternoon, or night. You are cherished.

  Your fellow gleek,
   - Lindsay 💕

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