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Guys the picture up top is one of my fursonas, or however the fuck you spell it. Anyway anyone wanna go fur suiting? (can't make it one word) :D okay okay okay! I'm so fucking hyper today and I have no damn idea why! Anyway today is a good day. Like I switched classes so I'm happy about that and I'm happy that one of my friends called me Zachary today ^.^ like so happy.

Okay now to talk about the bad shit that happened to me today:
1. My mother thinks I'm a lazy fuck who is faking having a rash all over even though you can see the big bubbles from it when I break out. (that shit hurts a lot!)

2. Some of my friends still refuse to call me Zachary.

3. Some guys that were sitting behind me in my study hall were being loud and I heard one of them say "she's hot" and then I couldn't focus cause all I could hear was the "she" repeat over and over.

4. My boyfriend can only see me as a girl. Which makes our relationship mostly about sex.

5. I feel really worthless. My mother says I never do anything right and honestly that's how I feel. Like I'll never do anything right.

One really good thing: I resisted the urge to cut. I really really wanted to but I didn't and I'm so happy.

X Zachary X

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