Guys the picture up top is one of my fursonas, or however the fuck you spell it. Anyway anyone wanna go fur suiting? (can't make it one word) :D okay okay okay! I'm so fucking hyper today and I have no damn idea why! Anyway today is a good day. Like I switched classes so I'm happy about that and I'm happy that one of my friends called me Zachary today ^.^ like so happy.
Okay now to talk about the bad shit that happened to me today:
1. My mother thinks I'm a lazy fuck who is faking having a rash all over even though you can see the big bubbles from it when I break out. (that shit hurts a lot!)2. Some of my friends still refuse to call me Zachary.
3. Some guys that were sitting behind me in my study hall were being loud and I heard one of them say "she's hot" and then I couldn't focus cause all I could hear was the "she" repeat over and over.
4. My boyfriend can only see me as a girl. Which makes our relationship mostly about sex.
5. I feel really worthless. My mother says I never do anything right and honestly that's how I feel. Like I'll never do anything right.
One really good thing: I resisted the urge to cut. I really really wanted to but I didn't and I'm so happy.
X Zachary X
From Maddy to Zachary
AcakThis is my story. My transition from Maddy to Zachary. Don't like anything not 'straight'? Don't read this then, simple as that. If you want to ask questions, ask me. I'll answer them.