Part 1. Thunderstorm?

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It was a late afternoon, Team RWBY were sitting in their dorm, Weiss was studying, Blake was Reading, and Yang and Ruby were playing against each other in a video game.

Yang: You're toast

Ruby: I don't think so!

Weiss: Will you two keep it down, I'm trying to study

Ruby: Oops sorry Weiss


All 4 of their devices went off at the same time 

Blake: It's a message from Ozpin, He wants us to meet him at his office

Weiss: Alright let's get going

Yang: Hold up I'm about to win!

Ruby: No I am!

Weiss grabbed Ruby by her Ear and Blake grabbed Yang from her ear

Ruby&Yang: Owowowow

At Ozpin's office

Ruby: Sir you wanted to see us?

Ozpin: Ah Team RWBY good to see you got my message

Blake: Yes what is this about?

Ozpin: Well you see over the past hours or so Gray clouds have filled the sky and are now hovering over Vale and Beacon

Yang: With all due respect sir, don't you think that can just be a really bad thunderstorm?

Ozpin: I'm afraid not, something will happen and when it does I want you four to be there for when it happens

Ruby: Will do sir! 

Ozpin: There is a Bullhead waiting for you outside

Ruby: Right!

Team RWBY head out of Ozpin's office and go to the bullhead waiting for them, they get on the bullhead and take their seats

They all look outside of the window

Yang: It really is dark 

Blake: It's not even supposed to be sunset yet and it could be considered nighttime right now

Ruby: But do you really think something bad will happen?

Yang: I don't know, I still think it's a thunderstorm

Weiss: Well whatever it is we have to be there to make sure everyone is safe

The Bullhead finally made it to Vale and Team RWBY got off of it and started to walk around

Weiss: One thing for sure, it is very windy out here

Blake: Let's keep walking

They all kept on walking and nothing out of the ordinary seemed to happen......... until

Ruby: Uhhhh guys is that normal?

They all looked to what Ruby was talking about and they see a crack in the sky

Yang: I don't think so

Blake: That's odd, why is there a crack in they sky?


The loud sound of thunder echoed through the air temporarily defeating Team RWBY

Weiss: MY OUM That was loud

Ruby: You can say that again

Yang: Uhhh guys look at the crack

They looked again and noticed it was bigger than before 

Yang: Again I don't think that's normal


More thunder can be heard throughout the area, and that's when Blake noticed something

Blake: The thunder is hitting the crack

WRY: What?

Although it was for a second Blake saw the thunder hit the crack


More thunder hit the Crack but this time everyone saw it

Yang: You are right, the thunder really is hitting the-


The last thunder hit the crack and in a blinding light the crack opened and something started to fall from it leaving behind a trail of smoke

Team RWBY notices this and starts to run towards the location of the object

Yang: Something really did come!

Weiss: Why do you sound so excited?

Yang: Because we're finally getting some action

Weiss: So the thunder wasn't enough for you?

Yang: Nope

Weiss: *sigh*

Ruby: Come on we can't lose this thing

They kept following the trail of smoke into a forest, in the forest they find what looked to be skid marks

Ruby: This way

They followed the skid marks until there are no more

Yang: That's it? There's nothing here

Ruby: Maybe someone got here before us?

Yang: No way, we were right on it's tail

Weiss: So you're saying chased nothing?

Ruby: No I'm pretty sure we all saw something

Blake: But what if what came through the sky wasn't an object?

RWY: Huh?

Blake: What if it was a person?

Just as Blake said that she managed to dodge an attack from behind her using her semblance

Weiss: Blake you ok?

Blake: Yeah I'm fine


They looked to see who attacked Blake, the figure seemed to look like a boy, he had pale skin, white hair, blue eyes, a torn blue sweater, a white shirt, some basketball shorts, and some slippers, what was also very noticeable was the fact that he was covering a wound on his chest 

???: N-No, more humans?

The Boy brought up a sharp bone

???: Stay away

Blake: W-Wait, we're not here to hurt you, we just want to talk

???: Why should I trust you? Last time I trusted a human I DIED, so stay back

Blake put her weapon down and she signaled her team to do the same

Blake: Look we put our weapons down, now please put your weapon down and we can come to an agreement

???: I-I won't trust yo- hnngh

The boy fell to the ground unconscious

Blake: Quick let's get him back to Beacon, we can treat his wound there


That's it for the first part, I really do hope you enjoy this story, I will try to upload at a nice pace, if you do like it then great, if you don't then I understand as well but try to give this story a chance. Anyways I'll se you later


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