Part 10. Classes

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All three members of the trio groggily get up

Sans: Damn what time is it?

They look at the Alarm clock and notice they are late

Chara: *sigh* We overslept

They all start to get ready and once they are ready they leave their dorm

Papyrus: So what class do we have now?

Sans: I think it's professor Ports class

Papyrus: And what exactly does he teach?

Sans: I don't know, never really did pay attention, I think it might have been something to do with Grimm

The trio make their way to Professor Ports Class and when they finally make it they were greeted by the Professor

Port: I see our new students have finally arrived, rather late aren't we

Chara: Sorry sir we overslept

Port: Well seeing as it's your first day I'll let this one slide, just make sure to make it on time

Trio: Yes sir

Port: Now go and take your seats, I was just about to get to telling more about myself 

The trio go and sit in the far back, away from any other teams

Most of the class was boring as Port kept talking about himself and his glory days, but no one payed attention, especially the trio, They kept looking around to see if anyone was being suspicious, but nothing looked out of the ordinary

Papyrus: *sigh* This is going to be harder than I thought

Sans: Yeah they're all acting normal

A few more minuets passed by

Chara: How are we supposed to find them?

Sans: I don't know, there was no name given in the plans we found, the only clue we have is that they have to be part of the white fang or some way related to them

Papyrus: So a Faunus possibly?

Chara: It could be 

Sans: For now let's just keep a close eye on everyone

The bell rung and people started pouring out of the classroom, the trio were the last to leave

Chara: So what class do we have next?

Sans: It's goodwitch's class next, the absolute worst

Chara: Well we better get there soon or Miss Goodwitch is gonna turn into Miss Badwitch

They all laugh at Chara's joke

Papyrus: Good one

The trio enter the Classroom that Miss Goodwitch was teaching

Goodwitch: I see you all have finally arrived, go and take a seat wherever you'd like

The trio went and sit in the far back away from the other teams

Goodwitch: Now all of you will have to participate in sparring matches, who would like to go first?

Someone rose up from their seat

Cardin: I'd like to go first

Goodwitch: And who will be your opponent?

Cardin: I'll go against one of the Members of the Trio

He pointed towards the trio

Then Chara got up from his seat

Chara: I'll take you on

Goodwitch: Then both of you go get your weapons

Chara then teleported to the arena while Cardin got his weapons and joined Chara in the Arena

Goodwitch: Ready?

Chara: May the best person win

Cardin: I'm going to mop the floor with you

Goodwitch: Go

Nice Cliffhanger wasn't it? I don't know but either thanks for reading this part, I will post the next Part soon so stay tuned, but until then see ya later


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