Part 6. Change of Heart?

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(Y/n's POV)

2 months have passed by since I took the test that determined whether I stay here in Beacon or not, Ozpin eventually told me I did pass his test and now I'm staying here

I lay down on my bed, I got my own dorm and I'm a one man team, but something has......changed

I get up from my bed and start to get ready for my classes, once ready I headed out of my dorm and into the hallways of Beacon

???: Hey Idiot

I was punched in the face by none other than Yang, that's right, in these past 2 months something in RWBY changed, for some reason they despise me, but it's not just them, every student here treats me like a punching bag

Yang: You're finally up huh?

She punches me again in the face and I lay down next to a wall holding my face

(Y/n): What do you want?

Weiss: Who said you could talk?

She grabbed her Rapier and stabbed my arm with it


Ruby: Shut up

She grabbed her scythe and forced it into my stomach

I could only feel pain and blood seeping through where I got stabbed, I could tell that only Blake looked regretful but I was in too much pain to pay attention, I started to slowly lose consciousness until I get punched in the face again

Yang: HEY, who said you can fall asleep?

She tried to punch me again but I teleported away


I ended up landing in the cafeteria, I just teleported randomly and didn't focus on my Landing since I'm just in pain

(Y/n): Why did it come to this? What did I do wrong?

Luckily no one was there so I wouldn't be hurt again, with what I could find I managed to stop the bleeding 

(Y/n): I can never understand humans, first they're all nice and then all of a sudden they turn on you and hurt you

(Narrator's POV)

You leave the cafeteria and head back to your dorm, classes were at the bottom of your priorities right now, you check the area to see If RWBY is still there and luckily they were gone

You go and enter your dorm until you hear someone call your name

???: (Y/n)!

You turn around and see Blake running to you

Blake: I was looking for you

(Y/n): What? You didn't have enough fun earlier?

Blake: N-no that's not wh-

(Y/n): What did I do to piss you guys off? Why do you treat my like garbage? Why? WHY?

Blake: (Y/n) I-

(Y/n): Just shut it Blake, I'm not in the mood, now I have to clean my clothes from all the blood 

You slam the door in her face to make sure she gets the message

Blake: .......I'm sorry (Y/n)

She turned away and left with tears in her eyes 

(Y/n): WHY?

You threw something across your dorm in spite of all the things every student in this school has done to you

(Y/n): It really does feel like life is against me 

You sat down on your bed to recollect your thoughts

(Y/n): ...........heh, things could be worse, I could still be in that hell loop watching everyone I love die

You tried looking at the bright side but all it did was make you more depressed

(Y/n): ............

You start to think and you start to ask yourself why you are still here, and you start to think to just leave the school

(Y/n): ...........yeah I'm done with all of this

You then grab some stuff of yours and head to Ozpin's office

Sorry for the delay but I finally got this part out, so what did you guys think? Pretty crazy twist huh? Probably not but either way I hope you liked this part, I'll get the next part out as soon as I can, until next time


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