Part 14. Meeting?

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The next Day

Both Papyrus and Chara wake up at around the same time only to see Y/n was missing

Chara: Where did he go this time?

Papyrus: Who knows? Just give him some time, he'll be back

They then hear knocking on the door

Chara: Who is it?

Ruby: It's RWBY

Chara and Papyrus gave each other a confused look, but they open the door

Papyrus: What are you guys doing here?

Weiss: We came to see where Y/n is

Chara: Sadly we don't know either

Yang: What do you mean?

Chara: We just woke up and he wasn't here

Blake: Then where could he be?

Meanwhile with Y/n


Ozpin: Cinder's team left earlier this morning and we haven't heard from them since

You glared at Goodwitch who was next to Ozpin, she just gulped


You grew more furious but you took a deep breath and sighed

Y/n: Do you at least have any info on where they could have gone or anything in general

Ozpin: I'm afraid not

Y/n: Of course you don't, .......whatever I'll look for them when we get some sightings

You then leave Ozpin's office and head back to your dorm

Y/n: Damn teacher, ruined everything, I could have already left this school if it wasn't for her

You approach your dorm and See papyrus and chara chatting with Team RWBY

Chara: Oh there he is, hey where were you man?

Y/n: With Ozpin

They could tell you were frustrated with something

Papyrus: What happened that's got you so worked up?

Y/n: Cinder's team left


Y/n: You heard me, that was the team we needed to capture

Chara: Great now our work just doubled

Blake: Sorry to interrupt but what's going on?

Y/n: Guess I have no choice but to tell you, want to know why we're here? Well we're here on a mission to stop whoever is planning the downfall of Beacon

Weiss: The downfall of Beacon?

Papyrus: Yeah, we came across this plan while we were raiding a white fang base

Blake: The White Fang?

Blake's eyes widen

Weiss: Of course it's the white fang, Those good for nothing Faunuses are always up to something

Blake: Well maybe they are just misguided

Weiss: Ha like anyone would believe that

Blake: The only reason they're like that is because of how they're treated

Weiss and Blake started arguing until Blake stormed off

They all looked at Weiss

Weiss: What? I was only telling the truth

The Trio of Remnant Chapter 1: Hatred (Male Sans Reader X Blake Belladonna)Where stories live. Discover now