Part 7. Leaving Beacon

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You grab your stuff and teleport to Ozpin's office 

Ozpin: Ah Y/n, What brings you here?

Y/n: Ozpin I'm leaving

Ozpin: Oh and why is that?

Y/n: I can't take it anymore, I'm done with all this abuse, I'm sick of everyone here

Ozpin: I see, well if you really are leaving then I do hope you come back and think about re joining 

Y/n: I doubt that will happen

Ozpin: Hmmm we shall see

You teleport back to your dorm to make sure you didn't leave anything behind, not that you had much

Once that was done you made sure no one was following you and started to head towards the entrance of Beacon 

Y/n: Finally good riddance

You start to head out


You stepped to the side avoiding one of Yang's punches

Y/n: What's it look like, I'm leaving Beacon

Ruby and Weiss soon arrive and stand behind Yang

Y/n: (I'm not surprised to not see Blake here seeing as I saw her not too long ago)

Yang: Leaving? You're not going anywhere, what am I going to do without my punching bag?

Y/n: Don't know, don't care, now get out of my way

Yang: Like hell I will, now get back in there like the coward you are, you're WEAK

Soon Blake came to see what all the commotion was about

Blake: Y/n? Yang? 

You both look to see Blake

Y/n: Tch, nuisance

While you weren't looking Yang managed to punch you in the face knocking you to the floor and started to kick

Yang: No wonder you couldn't stop that human from killing everyone, if you're this weak then I wonder how weak your little brother is, if he keeps getting killed then that means he's just dead weight

Blake: Yang that's enough

Ruby: Y-Yeah I think that's enough

Weiss: I think we're Taking this too far

Yang: You're standing up for this weakling? This weakling who couldn't protect anyone?

She went to punch you again but you catch her fist

Y/n: I've heard enough from you, if you don't know my little brother then you have no reason to talk to him that way

You threw her against Ruby making them both fall to the ground

Weiss and Blake look at you and notice your eye's pupil changed from black to a light blue


She got up from the floor and charged at you


She was about to punch you but you teleport next to Ruby and grab her by her hood

Y/n: How about I show you what it's like to lose someone so close to you?

Ruby was struggling against your grasp and Yang looked like she wanted to kill you

Yang: L-leave her alone

You notice Weiss trying to sneak attack you so you turned her soul blue and slammed her against the ground

Y/n: Stay out of this

You looked to see Blake shivering from fear and Yang worried about her sister

Y/n: How does it feel? Being so weak that you can't even protect those dear to you?

Soon a bubble is formed around you forcing you to let go of Ruby

Goodwitch: That is quite enough

Ruby ran to Yang and they started to comfort each other, Yang looked at you with pure hatred 

Y/n: You don't know how it feels, yet you never bothered to take the time and try to help

You turn to Goodwitch

Y/n: Let me go

Goodwitch: I will, once we arrive at Ozpin's office

Y/n: I don't have enough time for this

You summon some bones and started to expand the bubble until it breaks

Goodwitch: Impossible

You looked and saw Yang still staring at you with hate, but you returned that look, you then started to leave

Y/n: One day you'll know what true hatred looks like

You then stop

Y/n: Oh and one more thing

You raise your hand and bones came from under Yang hitting her

Y/n: Next time I'll kill you

You summon a Gaster Blaster and Leave the Forsaken school

Goodwitch: Might I ask you three what happened here?

Blake: We made him hate us and now he's gone

She said with sadness in her tone

Blake: It's all our fault

She fell to her knees and started to cry

Ruby and Weiss looked down in shame

Goodwitch: Let's get Miss Xiao Long to the Infirmary, we'll settle this later

How do you like that? Two parts in one day (If you're reading this in another time period you might not know I did two parts in one day, but I did, trust me) Anyways wasn't that such a tragedy? I thought it was, I don't know how other felt but I hope you felt the same way, Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next part


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