Part 5. Vs RWBY

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(Y/n)=Your Name.    Parenthesis= (Thoughts)

The Next morning.....

You had just risen up from your "bed" and stretched feeling much better than yesterday

Y/n: Man I haven't gotten a good night sleep in such a long time

You hear the doors to the infirmary open and Ozpin walks in

Ozpin: Ah I see you're awake, did you get some sleep?

Y/n: Yeah, anyways where is this fight taking place?

Ozpin: Please follow me, I will guide you there

Y/n: Alright

You followed Ozpin until you finally arrived in some type of arena, there you see RWBY waiting for you

Yang: Finally you decided to show up

Y/n: Yeah yeah, let's just get this over with

You stood on one side of the Arena and Team RWBY on the opposite side

Ozpin: I will be the referee for this match, the Rules are simple you fight until your aura drops into the red zone or until you're unconscious, as I said before this is just a test match but still give it your all, Good luck to both teams

Team RWBY got into a fighting position and you stood there watching their moves

Y/n: (I have no idea how they fight so I have to be careful)

Ozpin: 3....2....1.....GO

In less than a second you could already see Ruby run at you at lightning speed

Y/n: (Damn she's fast)

You ducked under her scythe as she swung at you cutting off a bit of your hair

Y/n: That was way too close

Ruby: I'm impressed you dodged it, but it isn't over yet

She ran at you again swinging her scythe at you which you managed to dodge again

Y/n: (Damn it, it's going to be hard to hit her)

Blake: Don't forget about us

You turn around the meet Blake's Blade, you teleported before she was able to hit you

Yang: He can teleport?!

Weiss: That's not gonna help him for any longer 

Weiss started to create Glyphs and sent them straight towards you

Y/n: (I have to keep dodging)

You dodged the glyphs by teleporting away

Yang: Are you gonna keep running or are you actually going to fight?

Y/n: Fine then

You summon a sharp bone as your weapon and then teleport to Yang


You swing at her and hit her dropping her aura to 50%

Yang: Damn that hurts

You were then hit from behind by Ruby

Ruby: Gotcha

You fall to the floor 

Yang: Nice Ruby!

Y/n: Heh, thanks for buying me time

Weiss: What do you mean?

You then teleported out of their sights 

RWBY: Where did he go?

They looked around the arena for any signs to where you could have gone

Then a bone hit Weiss on her head which dropped her aura by a little bit


They all looked above them and saw tons of bones in the air


All the bones came down and Hit Team RWBY, smoke soon arose

Y/n: Huff......huff, that was tiring

You looked at the board and see All of team RWBY's aura were nearly drained


Yang arose from the smoke except this time she was different, her hair was on fire as well as her eyes

Y/n: (She's still not knocked out?)

One change you definitely noticed was her speed, she was much faster now

You tried dodging her attacks but she started to speed up

Y/n: (I can't keep up)

You put your hand out and turn her soul blue

Y/n: Sorry but I need you to stop right there

You held her up and pushed her back against a wall, to make sure she was knocked out you summoned a dragon like skull and fired it at Yang knocking her out

Y/n: (I'm almost out of magic)

Weiss: Surprise

You turn around to see Weiss' Rapier and Blake's Blade 

Y/n: (When did they get up?)

You quickly summon some bones to block their attack, you then look to the side to see Ruby also coming towards you

Y/n: Damn it-

Ruby swung at you and hit you, the bones broke and you were met by Weiss' rapier and Blake's blade hitting you

You fall to the ground barely able to stay conscious

Ozpin: That's enough, Team RWBY is the winner

Team RWBY helped Yang back up and cheered as they celebrated their victory, while you remain on the floor defeated

You slowly got up

Y/n: (Well at least I've proven something, I now have more HP, but why?)

That was a question for later, you walk up to RWBY to congratulate them

Y/n: Nice job guys, you were tough

Blake: As where you, it was fun

Y/n: Yeah it was

Ruby: I have so many questions, How did you Hold Yang up like that? What was that Dragon like skull? You can teleport?

You were bombarded with question by Ruby

Y/n: (Oh boy)

And that's the fifth chapter, as you can tell I'm not very good with writing fights but I tried my best, Anyways if you're wondering why I haven't done a Bio of characters yet it's because that will come later in the story. Other than that I'll see you later


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