Part 2. New Greetings

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As team RWBY headed back to Beacon, Blake held the Unconscious boy and they noticed that the sky had cleared up and the sun was now visible

Yang: Looks like it's over, looks like this boy really was the reason behind the dark sky

Weiss: So it seems, but why?

Blake: We can ask him when he wakes up now come on, we have to hurry

Time Skip to Beacon

Team RWBY burst in to the Medical wing of the school


Many Nurses and Doctors came in to check on what the commotion was about

Doctor: What's going on?

Blake: This Boy is injured and is losing blood

Nurse: Quick get him on this bed

They take the unconscious boy onto the bed and let him rest, the nurse hooked up some electronics to evaluate his situation

Blake: Is he alright?

Nurse: He seems to be stable but it looks like he's unconscious due to blood loss, for now let him rest, we'll make sure he stays ok

Ruby: Alright, let's go report this to Ozpin

RWBY left the medical wing and headed towards Ozpin's office, they soon arrive and they see Ozpin waiting for them

Ozpin: Ah RWBY how did it go?

Yang: It went fine, no one was hurt but we did find someone who was already hurt

Ozpin: Oh and who might that be?

Weiss: Well you see, when we went to vale we saw a crack in the sky and then something came out of the crack, we didn't know what it was until we found out it was a boy who looked very injured

Ozpin: And where is this boy?

Blake: He's unconscious in the medical wing

Ozpin: I see, well nonetheless good job RWBY, you may leave, get some rest

Ruby: Yes Sir!

They walked out of Ozpin's office and started walking towards their dorm

Ruby: You guys wanna go check on him?

Blake: Yeah

They turned another direction heading towards the Medical wing, they soon arrive and they see the boy laying down on a bed, his wound was patched up and he looked more stable than before, they all Gather around him on the left side

Yang: These nurses work fast

Weiss: There has been something on my mind

Yang: What's that?

Weiss: Well remember what he said? 

Ruby: Did he say something about cookies?

Weiss: No you dimwit, Remember when he said, "Last time I trusted a human I Died"? Do you know what he meant by it?

Blake: No, that doesn't make sense, he's still alive so why would he say that

???: Hhnngh

Ruby: Look he's waking up

???: Damn it, my head hurts

He looks to the right

???: Where am I? Was I killed by the Human? No, my memory is too clear, and this isn't my room, so then where-

He looked to his left to see RWBY

???: .......

RWBY: .........



He jumped from the bed and brought out a sharp bone


Blake: Woah woah woah, calm down

She put her hands up as a sign of peace

Blake: We're not going to hurt you

???: Why should I trust you?

Weiss: We were the ones who brought you here so you owe us

???: I didn't ask to be brought her- hhnngh

He held on to his chest

???: Damn that hurts

Ruby: Please lay down, we can talk this through

Although hesitant he finally sat down

Ruby: Alright finally we can talk

???: I still don't trust you

Blake: Let's just get to know each other, I'm Blake

Ruby: I'm Ruby

Yang: Name's Yang

Weiss: My name is Weiss

Blake: What's you name?

???: It's......... (Y/n)

Blake: That's a nice name, nice to meet you (Y/n)

(Y/n): I guess it's nice to meet you too

And that's another part done, I hope you enjoyed it, and if you didn't well uhhhhh, I'm sorry? Anyways I'll see you in the next part


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