Final Part: Parting Ways

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After a few more days pass the bad time trio were discharged from the hospital and are now free to do whatever they want

Y/n: So....looks like that's it huh?

Papyrus: So it seems

Chara: So what now?

After defeating Salem their purpose for being here is completed, so what now?

Y/n: I don't know it seems like everything is finally calming down, it feels like we've claimed our lives back

Chara: You can say that again

Papyrus: ...........

Y/n: Is something wrong Papyrus?

Papyrus: I don't know, it feels like just yesterday we came to this world to protect it and now we're done, somehow I feel like anything can happen, you get what I mean?

Chara: Uhh not really?

Papyrus: I guess what I'm trying to say is that now there's new possibilities for us, without all the resets

Y/n: Ah I get what you mean, and I agree, it feels good knowing that tomorrow you won't wake up on your bed just to begin a loop of Hell

Chara: I guess you're right, Besides

They all look and see RWBY waiting for them, along with Neptune who was with Weiss

Chara: We've still got people to protect

They ran up to them to greet them

Y/n: Sup guys?

Blake: Hey Y/n

You both hug each other

Ruby: CHARA!!!

She jumps on Chara and Hugs him making them fall to the ground

Chara: AH HELP

You all couldn't help but laugh

Yang then put one of her arms around Papyrus' shoulders

Yang: How are you doing handsome?

Papyrus: I'm doing good, what about you?

Yang: I'm much better now

Weiss chuckles as she holds Neptune Closer

Y/n: So what are you guys planning on doing?

Blake: Well after a lot of talking we've decided to go our separate ways

Chara was still on the ground with Ruby on top of him

Chara: You guys are splitting up?

Weiss: For now we're all going to different locations and since there is no school right now we've decided to split up

Papyrus: So where is everyone going?

Blake: I'm going back to Menagerie to see My parents again

Yang: I'm going back to My dad's place, he get's worried if we don't come back often

Chara: Are you going with her Ruby?

Ruby: Actually I'm not, I'm going with Weiss

Chara: And where are you going Weiss?

Weiss: I'm going to take back the Family company and make sure the Faunus workers get treated equally

She looks at Blake and they both smile

Y/n: Well it seems you all have plans

You stand next to Blake

Y/n: Mind if I come with?

Blake: Sure

Chara then get up with Ruby still clinging onto him

Chara: Looks like I'm going with you Ruby

Ruby: YAY!!!

Yang: So what do you say paps? Want to go with me to see my old Man?

Papyrus: Uh Sure, got nothing better to do

Y/n: Well then it look like it's settled, Team RWBY and The Bad time trio is splitting up for now, but we will come back together

They all nod

Y/n: Well then

You look at everyone

Y/n: Have a safe trip, And don't get into too much trouble 

Everyone: RIGHT

Y/n: Well then I guess this is goodbye

They all came into a group hug

Y/n: I'm going to miss you all

Chara: Come on Y/n, this isn't supposed to be sappy

Y/n: I know, I know

You all then Break the hug


They all then started off running in different directions

Y/n: Until Next time

And that's the final part finished. 

I hope you enjoyed 


P.S Read the author note that will be posted soon

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