Part 24. Determination and Hate

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Salem started to Take down their numbers one by one

The only people still left up were Blake and Weiss, the rest were knocked out or tired

Salem: You see how futile your efforts are, now give up and let the darkness take a hold of you

No matter how much they cut through the Hate it didn't seem to disappear

Weiss: I see no end in sight

Both Blake and Weiss were back to back

Weiss: What do we do?

Blake: We have to hit her Head on

Weiss: Will that work? She would just regenerate the Damage

Blake: Unlikely

Weiss: Huh?

Blake: Although she has entered this world with the Maiden's Power and the other souls it wasn't enough to get all her power back

Weiss: So you're saying she doesn't have all her power?

Blake: Exactly, and with Ruby's last attack I've noticed she has gotten slower

Weiss: So how do we get close enough to hit her?

Blake: I've got a plan

Salem: Still struggling I see

She then fired and Energy beam at them

Salem: Resistance is futile


The energy impacted with one of Blake's Shadows and it exploded causing Smoke to arise

Salem: (I can't tell where they went with all this smoke)

Soon the smoke cleared up but Blake and Weiss were nowhere to be seen

Salem started to look around for any clues to where they could have gone

She was then impaled by a Ice sword summoned by Weiss


Blake fell from Above and slashed at Salem cutting her in half

Weiss: Nice one

They then see Salem getting put back together by the Hate

Salem: That was a good plan, but it wasn't enough

She then turned her hand into a Beowolf claw

Salem: Now DIE

She aimed for Blake


Weiss pushed Blake out of the way and got hit by Salem

Blake: WEISS

Weiss was sent into a tree knocking her out

Salem: See how everything has no meaning, you will all die either way, be it now or later

Blake: won't make me give up so easily

Salem: Why do you continue to fight? This is all so pointless

Blake: If I give up now, then everyone's sacrifice will be in Vain.......I won't let that happen

Salem: .....I see....So be it

She then started walking closer to Blake

Blake swung at Salem with Lostvayne but she just grabbed it and threw it behind her, Blake swung with Gambol Shroud but Salem Grabbed it and broke it

The Trio of Remnant Chapter 1: Hatred (Male Sans Reader X Blake Belladonna)Where stories live. Discover now