Part 15. A new Threat

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Blake: A-Adam?

Adam: It's been a while hasn't it, My kitty

Blake: What are you doing here?

Adam: I'm here to reclaim what's mine

Blake tried to look for an opening to leave 

Adam: There is no point in looking, I've already cut off any possible escape routes

She looked and saw white fang members blocking her path

Blake: Are you behind the attack?

Adam: Oh so you know already, good, I don't have to waste time in telling you

He started to get closer towards her and she started to back away

Adam: Now will you come with me or do I have to take you by force?

Blake: What you're doing is wrong, You can't kill everyone in Beacon

Adam: Why not? They're all mostly humans anyway, with this attack Humans will finally respect us

Blake: They'll respect Faunus out of fear not because they see them as equals

Adam: So what? As long as we're respected I'll do anything

Blake: The only reason why we joined the white fang was to give Faunus rights peacefully

Adam: Blake my love, not everything can be acquired peacefully, some things just take force to get

Blake: What happened to you? Where is the person I knew before?

Adam: Things change Blake, now will you surrender to me? Or do I have to force you?

Blake couldn't step back any further as a white fang grunt stopped her

Adam: Like I said there is no use running

He came closer to her and grabbed her by the neck

Adam: Now answer my question, will you come back with me?

Blake: I will NEVER go back

She tried to sweep Adam's legs as well as the Grunts, She got the grunt that was stopping her but Adam jumped out of the way

Adam: Such a shame

He Brought out his sword

Adam: But it looks like I have no choice

Blake also brought our her Weapon

Adam: Let's see if you really have improved

They both charge at each other


Ruby, Weiss and Yang were searching everywhere for Blake but couldn't find her

Yang: Where could she be?

Ruby: Are you sure she's here in Vale?

Yang: I don't think she'd go anywhere else

Weiss: This is all my fault, I shouldn't have said those things

Yang: You can apologize to her when we find her, let's split up to cover more ground 

Ruby&Weiss: Right

They all separated 

Yang: (Blake, I hope you're ok)

Back with Blake

Adam and Blake's weapons kept clashing against each other as the White Fang grunts lay on the ground defeated

Blake: Stop this Adam

The Trio of Remnant Chapter 1: Hatred (Male Sans Reader X Blake Belladonna)Where stories live. Discover now