Part 8. Regrets and a Trio?

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3 months later

Team RWBY came back from an exhausting mission and head into their dorms to relax a little

Yang: Finally we can relax

Ruby: Yeah that mission was definitely a pain

A few minutes pass by

Weiss: You guys want to do something?

Yang: Yeah

Blake: What do we do?

Ruby: Ooooo let's go see JNPR

They all nodded and headed out of their dorm to meet up with JNPR

Once they arrive at JNPR's dorm they knock and are greeted by Phyrra

Phyrra: Oh hey guys!

Yang: Sup Phyrra

Phyrra: Is there something you need?

Ruby: Actually we wanted to know of you wanted to hang out?

Phyrra: Oh we were about to head into vale if you want to join

Ruby: Sounds like fun!

Phyrra: Alright then let's go

Suddenly Nora pushed them all


She started running to a bullhead


Ruby then followed after her

The rest of them just sighed

Time skip to vale

It soon got dark and people were out and about having fun

Ruby: Vale sure gets lively at night huh?

She said as she was munching down on some cookies

Juane: It's actually quite nice

Phyrra: Yeah it's lovely

They were walking around until around having fun until Blake bumps into someone

Blake: Oh sorry my bad I wasn't looking where I was going

She looked and saw the figure she bumped into

They were a bit smaller but she couldn't tell what they looked like because they had a green hoodie on

???: Don't worry about it

Blake was about to say something else but they then disappear

Blake: Where did they go?

Yang: Yo Blake did you see something?

Blake: Wasn't there someone in front of me?

Ren: Are you sure you're feeling well?

Ruby: I guess that mission did rough you up huh? Want to get some sleep?

Blake: Maybe I am just tired

Villager 1: Did you hear about them?

Villager 2: Who the trio?

Villager 1: Yeah, people have said they spotted them Around here

Villager 2: Is that so? But what are they doing here?

Team RWBY and Team JNPR walk up to the villagers

Ruby: Excuse us but we couldn't help but overhear your conversation, you said something about a trio?

Villager1: Never heard of the famous trio?

The Trio of Remnant Chapter 1: Hatred (Male Sans Reader X Blake Belladonna)Where stories live. Discover now