03 | comfort

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"I fixed the Communications". Lime sat back down at the table. "I needed to fix something". "The hologram sh-should work now" I said. Beads of sweat appeared on my face. I was nervous. Would the Captain reply? Does he know anything about the aliens?

I pressed the button on the hologram and it opened up. The green hologram continued glitching for a bit. Then it formed into the face we all know. The captain. "Captain!" I yelled. "Oh, Brooke!" he gasped. "How are you doing...". He looked at all of us. Our bandaged arms and legs. "What happened here?" he asked us. "P-Please believe us Captain" I told him. "Just please..."

I told him all about the alien attacks. About how we had to get bandaged up because of the attacks. "I-I was wondering if you knew anything about the attacks" I told him. He stared at us, wide eyed and surprised. "I-I didn't think it would happen again..." he gasped.

Everybody started yelling all at the same time. "What!?". "Again!?". "Excuse me what the f*ck?".

"In 2018 when we first set base on Polus, there were... problems there" he explained to us. "There were aliens there and they had attacked the base, the same way they had attacked you". My face went pale. "Ever since, they had been attacking some of our ships" he said to us. "The attacks stopped happening 70 years ago, but now...". "Are we going to be okay!?" Lime yelled. There was sadness in the Captain's eyes. "Well... I'm afraid to say that some of you may not survive".

There was a silence among us. We were all trying to take it in. We might die. "I will try to explain as much to you as possible" he told us.
The aliens are like parasites. They attack you, inject a virus, and that parasite slowly takes over. The parasite's main goal is to kill us with any means possible. The host of the parasite can't control their actions when the parasite takes over. There was only two aliens that attacked us, so only two of the crewmates have been infected. The parasite will take effect in 24 hours.

Here's some information to help you survive. If you find any dead bodies, report it to all your other crewmates. You guys will have to discuss about who you think is the imposter. You can kill the parasite's host normally, but the parasite will have to be destroyed permanently. You will have to vote who to eject off the ship. That is the only way to get rid of them.
"I wilsh you all luck" the Captain said to us. "Call me later if you need any help". The hologram shrinked back into its disc". We all stared at eachother in silence. Two of our friends were infected with a parasite they couldn't control. And some of us might end up dead if we didn't act fast soon.

Daisy sat back down on the bench. There were tears in her eyes. "I-I don't want to d-die" she stuttered. "I-I'm too young to die! I still need t-to". Lemon walked over to her and hugged her. "It'll be okay Daisy" he comforted her. "I'm not going to let anyone hurt you". The tears were now streaming down her cheeks. We all stared at eachother.

We might die. We might die. We might die. We. Might. Die.
We have our own rooms on the Skeld. I lay down on my bed and tried to take it all in. Something totally sci-fi happened to us and now we might as well die.

"Umm, Brooke?" I heard a voice say. "Come in" I said. I already knew who it was. Rudy and Vincent entered my room. "You looked kind of nervous when you were taking to the Captain there" Vincent said to me. "We thought that we might as well check up on you, see if you're okay!". Rudy looked down at me. "Ayy bro, I think Brooke is having a mental crisis".

"N-No, I'm alright" I sighed. "I'm just, trying to take in this new experience for us". "It must be tough being the group leader, ain't it?" Rudy said. "I-I guess so" I stuttered. I usually stuttered when I was anxious. "I-I'm just not ready for this n-new experience". Vincent sat down with me on my bed and placed his hand onto my shoulder. "Don't worry Brooke!" He told me. "We'll be there for you, every step of the way!". He smiled at me. A small smile appeared on my face. "Thanks Vincent" I said.

"Now come on!" Rudy told me. "Let's try and make the most out of the few hours we have!". He tugged on my arm. "Okay guys" I told them. I walked out of the room with them.




E  R  O  R  R

I ran into Medbay and shut the doors behind me. I can't let anyone else see this. Especially not after what the Captain said. I sat down onto one of the beds, clutching my aching head. The parasite... It had gotten me. There was a sick feeling in my stomach and my stomach felt like it was forcing itself open. I heard the doors open again. Someone was coming in. I clutched my stomach and turned towards them.

"So, you're the other imposter". I saw another person standing near the door. They were holding onto their stomach, as if it would collapse any second. No... It got them too. They sat down beside me on the bed. "I-I know.." I sighed. My stomach was cut open and a small mouth appeared on my stomach. "It hurts" I told them. "It does. Really". There were tears running down my cheeks. "I-It hurts..". They hugged me. "It's okay" they told me. "We'll try and find a way to fight this para-"

"What if I kill someone!?" I yelled at them. "Wh-What if I get caught!? I'll get thrown off the ship! I don't want to die but-". "Oh shut up" they told me. "We'll find a way around this, I promise". There were small tears in their eyes as well. I hugged them back. My stomach was still aching and my head was still banging hard, but I need to make the most out of this crazy situation of mine. We'll find a way

We'll find a way



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