Chapter 7

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Hey everyone!! So I decided to give you guys a double update!! This chapter kind of sucks if I'm being honest, but I am completely in love with the next few chapters!! Also, sorry for not posting yesterday, I got really busy, but I'm going to try and post every other day when I can!!

This one is pretty short, but I hope you like it anyways!

Eve's POV:

I climb into his car, set my bag down, and turn to face him, seeing that he's already facing me. I start to get a bad feeling about this whole thing, but I push those aside as I tell him something I thought of while I was at work.

"Hey I had an idea." I tell him as I put on my seatbelt. "So you know we need a code or secret gesture for when we need to act all coupley. I mean not when we hold hands, but like when we have to act a little more intimate." I explain to him, my cheeks getting red from embarrassment.

"Yeah, what do you want the gesture to be?" he asks me. "Um, how about when we scratch our nose. That way we can be prepared and neither one of us will be caught off guard." I tell him. He starts to pull out of the parking lot.

"Yeah that'll work. One question. Why are you so intent on setting rules?" he asks me, a grin forming on his face. "Because we're both trying to move on, so this will help us not slip up. Not that we would, it's just a precaution."

He doesn't say anything, but from what I can tell, he understands. That doesn't mean he likes it, though. We drive for a while, but I have no clue where we are going. All I know is that it's someplace public.

About thirty minutes later we parked on the side of the street on the outside of LA, where all the little shops and bakeries are. He gets out of the car and opens my door, and with that the facade starts.

I get out of the car, put my backpack on my back, and immediately see fans run towards us. Harry looks at me, I give him a nod, and he grabs my hand, holding it as we walk towards the little shops, the fans following us from a distance.

We walk in and out of the shops, cameras taking pictures of our every move. I stay well aware of his hand on the small of my back as we walk together, putting on fake smiles as we pass by the cameras. Little do they know how hard it is to be this close with someone you're trying to get over.

He removes his hand from my back and runs like a little kid to the candy store, seeing all the sweet treats they have inside. A let out a real genuine laugh, but he doesn't have to know it wasn't fake. I follow him inside, the smell of candy filling the room. I see Harry talking to some fans, and I can't help but think how weird this all is. They don't know what he did. They don't know that we're not together anymore. They don't know that everything we're doing is fake.

We eventually leave the store, paparazzi following us as we leave. He slips his hand into mine once more as we duck our heads from the flashing lights, interlacing our fingers together and giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

We get into the car waiting for us, climbing in the back seat and quickly closing the door to escape from the cameras. I look down between us and Harry is still holding my hand.

"Hey Harry," I ask, trying not to make this weird. "Hmm?" he mumbles, oblivious. "The cameras can't see us anymore." I say looking down at our hands. He quickly unlatches his hand from mine, cheeks reddening as he looks out the window. 

I don't say anything else, and neither does he. We ride back in complete silence, even when a Paramore song comes on the radio. We don't sing, we don't laugh, we don't even look at each other. Yet we still know what each other is thinking. That this whole pretending thing could be much more difficult than we thought.

I'm dropped off at my apartment, crashing on the couch as soon as I get in the living room. I scroll through twitter, seeing the pictures fans are posting from when they met Harry and I. The pictures make me feel a way that I can't explain. Why do people care about our relationship status so much? Why are there so many articles about whether we're still the 'it' couple?

I hear a knock at my door. I look through the peephole, then instantly know this isn't going to go over well.

"You're drunk." I say as I open the door. "So what?" Justin replies as he pushes the door open even more. He walks into my apartment unwelcomed and sits on my couch.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, making a point that I'm annoyed. "Are you really back with that douche?" he asks, slurring his words.

"You saw the pictures." I say, rolling my eyes. "Yes, we're back together. Why do you care?" I tell him, hoping he doesn't see that I'm lying.

"So you give him another chance and not me?" he's almost begging at this point. "I gave you another chance, Justin, and you screwed it up a second time." I argue.

"I screwed it up? You and I both know that you weren't fully committed to that relationship. It was like a bomb with seconds remaining before it went off." he says, making me angry.

"Don't you dare say that I wasn't invested in that relationship. If I wasn't, I never would've given you a second chance." I tell him as I pull his arm, urging him to get off my couch. "I think you were just scared of being alone." he whispers as I lead him to the door.

I turn to look at him. "No. I'm more scared of getting treated like garbage. I've never felt better when I'm alone." I scold him. That should've blown the Harry secret, but I think Justin was too drunk to notice. I push him out of my apartment and close the door, hoping he can find his way back home.

I let out a large sigh and collapsed back on the couch and turned on the TV. I flip through the channels, aggravated by what Justin said. I was never too scared. I was brave, and if I'm the only one who knows that, then so be it. 

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I hope you liked this one!! I promise the next one is better! Make sure you go ahead to the next chapter!! It gets interesting haha

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