Chapter 9

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Hey everyone!! Just a heads up, this chapter is a little sad, but if you want to increase the who sad factor, have the song Only by RY X playing on repeat in the background, it makes it so much more heart breaking haha.

So last  chapter we learned how Eve felt about Harry. What do you think she's going to do with those feelings? I guess you're just gonna have to read this chapter and find out ;)

Also, there are only a few chapters left, three to be exact. I will take a break before posting book three, but I will give you more information about that soon!! Until then, enjoy!! 

OH and just remember that they have a code for when they are out in public, it's important for this chapter :)

Eves POV:

I'm woken up with a kiss being pressed against my temple. I open my eyes to see Harry standing there, a bag in the hand that's not broken. He's leaving. The room is still dark. He moves my hair out of my eyes, waking me up gently.

"What are you doing?" I ask, getting a sense of my surroundings. "Hey it's 4 am, so you can keep sleeping if you want, but I have to go to the airport, I just wanted to say goodbye." He says, pain boiling in his eyes.

I quickly get up and slide my shoes on. I run into the kitchen and grab my keys. "What are you doing?" he asks me, following me as I run around grabbing my stuff. "I'm driving you to the airport. Duh." I say as I fix my bed head. "Really?" he asks, surprised.

"Well paparazzi is probably going to be there, so might want to get one last shot in before you leave." I say, making up a reason to go with him. Truth is, I'm not ready for him to leave just yet.

"Oh. Right." he says, a disappointment lingering in his voice.

The drive to the airport is quiet. I keep my eyes trained on the car in front of me, not daring to look at the boy staring back at me. All I can think about is how different it's going to be with him gone.

I pull into a parking space, turn off the ignition, and we just sit there, scared of what's about to happen. "Are you ready?" I ask him after some time has passed. He clears his throat. "Yeah I think so." he mumbles.

We get out of the car and walk into the airport. Being without a ticket, I can't get very far before it's time to say our goodbyes. We look around at the cameras surrounding us, unresolved tension between us.

"I guess this is it for a while." he says, tracing his cast with his finger. "Yeah, it is." I say back, trying to not reveal how sad I actually am. 

He pulls me into a hug, his arms wrapped around my waist. I wrap my arms around him, taking in what I can. "I would say break a leg, but I don't need you to break anything else, so I'll just say this instead. Good luck. You'll be great." I whisper as he lets me go. I hold back the tears trying to escape.

"Thank you, Angel." he says, letting my nickname slide off his tongue with ease. I smile at the sound, not realizing how much I missed it.

I turn to walk away but Harry stops me. "Eve." he calls out. I turn around, standing a few feet from him. At that moment, he rubs his nose, not so subtly. Oh. OH. I respond to our code immediately, rushing towards him. I lean in to kiss him, Harry meeting me halfway. My hands on his jaw, his on my lower back, we're the only two people in a crowded room. Two weeks ago I hated him. I wanted nothing to do with him. I wanted to forget he existed, like he did to me. But in those two weeks I realized he's the one person I'll never forget, even if he is the one person I have to live without.

We break apart slowly. Still recovering from the kiss we just stand there, holding each other like no one is watching. "I have something to tell you." I say with the little ounce of courage that kiss gave me. "Go for it." he says, rubbing my back. "I-" I stop myself

I'm not going to be that girl who tells a guy she loves him, expecting him to drop everything and stay. I won't. I'm not going to be the one to hold him back. As much as I want to tell him, I can't. Not yet.

"Just don't forget me." I whisper, feeling vulnerable. "It's impossible to forget  you, Evangeline Williams." he tells me, pulling me in for one more hug. And with that we've run out of time. He grabs his bags and waves at me as he walks away. We don't say goodbye. We don't know what this is. See you later.

I get in my car, letting the tears fall. I don't know where to go, I don't know what to do. I start the car and just drive, no set destination in mind.

I drive and drive, my headlights shining on the open road. The tears in my eyes burning my cheeks. I don't know what to think. I don't know what to feel. I love him and he just left. But that's not the messed up part. I love the guy who hurt me. His words just keep going through my mind.

It's impossible to forget about you, Evangeline Williams.

I fall on my knees, letting them sink in the sand. I watch the sun rise over the water, the seagulls flying overhead. I take a deep breath in and smell the salt water, one of my favorite smells. I run my hands through the sand, deep in thought.

I've always loved the beach. When I was little I would run into the water before my mom could get my sunscreen on, making her mad. I have great memories at the beach, but this isn't one of them. The sinking feeling in my chest won't go away, the confusion in my head making me dizzy. I stay in that spot for about an hour before I start shivering from the cold.

I make the long drive back to LA. I don't go home. I don't go to Harry's house. I don't go to the record store. I go straight to Sam's apartment. I walk in after one round of knocking, going straight to her bedroom, laying next to her, scaring her.

"E? What are you doing here?" she says, rubbing her eyes and rolling over. She sees the look on my face and she automatically knows that something's wrong.

"He left, didn't he Eve." she says, pulling me into a hug. I don't say anything. I just nod. "But that's not all." she says, seeing right through me. "Oh Eve." She pulls me closer.

"I love him, Sam. And I hate it." I tell her in a half-sob. "Honey you can't help how you feel. You of all people should know that. Did you tell him?" she says, trying to be subtle. "No." I say, almost in a whisper. "Not in so many words..." I trail off at the end.

"You guys kissed, didn't you?" She asks me. I nod my head again, remembering the events of this morning.

"Oh babe." she says, cradling my head at this point. I don't say anything else. I just sit there in Sam's arms, scared of the future, scared of my own feelings, scared of the thought of having to move on from someone I love.

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I hope you liked this chapter!! Sorry I posted it so late in the day, it's been pretty hectic lol

So the last few chapters will be posted soon, and then I will be taking a week or two off so I can finish writing the third book! I will go ahead a tell you the posting schedule is going to be very different for what it has been over the past two months, but it should give more more time to write the third book and other books that I have in mind ;) 

See you on Friday!! 

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