Chapter 8

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I was going to say that you need to read chapter 7 before you read this one since it's a double update, but honestly the last one is so bad that you might just want to read this one haha. I do really like this chapter though, and I hope that you do too!!

Eve's POV:

"It's just weird, I can't really explain it. It's different from when we were dating. Now everything feels forced. Each day it's harder to convince other people that we're dating." I tell Sam as we walk down the street, taking Roman on a walk.

"So there just aren't any feelings there?" she asks, raising her eyebrows. "I think I'll always have feelings for him. He's just that type of guy, but I don't have the type of feelings that I want to act on. It's more awkward than anything." I say as I give the leash that is attached to Roman some slack.

We reach the edge of the woods, the woods I went to when I was drunk. I take Roman off the leash and let him run towards the lake, Sam and I not far behind.

"I don't know what it is about Lake Summers, but Roman loves it." I say laughing. Sam nudges my shoulder. "What?" I ask as we near the lake. "You look happy. I figured with Harry leaving again tomorrow you would be a little sad." she tells me.

I can feel my smile drop. I forgot he was leaving. I forgot all about the tour. I have been so wrapped up in being his pretend girlfriend that I didn't think about what would happen once he left. It'll be good for us to spend some time apart, though. Spending all this time together hasn't made it easy for either of us to move on. Maybe this'll help.

"Yeah, I am happy." I tell her, surprising myself because I actually mean it. "It's like I told Justin. I feel really good alone." I tell her. It should sound sad, but it doesn't. It sounds hopeful. We turn to watch Roman chase a bird when my phone rings. I hold my breath as I answer it, not recognizing the number.

"Is this Evangeline Williams?" A man says on the other end of the line. "Yes? Is everything okay?" I ask, making Sam look at me and mouth 'what's wrong?'

"This is Doctor Matt Thomas. You are listed as Harry Styles' emergency contact." he tells me, making me worry. "Is he okay? Is he hurt?" I ask, my voice shaking. We have terrible luck with hospitals.

"He broke his wrist. I think he wasn't looking and walked into a pole." the doctor says, making me laugh. "He just needs a ride home, he's on light pain meds that are making him a little loopy." he explains. "Okay I'm on my way." I hang up the phone and tell Sam what happened, making her laugh as well. We quickly get back to my apartment so that I can get my car to pick up Harry.

"You walked into a pole?" I ask, letting out a chuckle as I walk into the room he's in. "Hey don't judge! I was talking to Jeff on the phone and didn't see where I was going! Anyways, I broke it in three places and can't do anything with this hand, so touring is going to be amazing." he says rolling his eyes

He turns around sharply, gasping like he was surprised by something. "What was that?" he asks, almost scared. "Your phone is going off, Harry. How much of those meds did they give you?" I ask, grabbing some papers and his medicine from the nurse.

"I'll get it later, I have to go feed my cat." he says, getting up. "You don't have a cat." I tell him, grabbing his arm to lead him towards the elevator. 

"Then who has a cat?" he asks in a serious tone. "No one does. Man you really are loopy." I tell him as we walk out of the hospital.

The paparazzi is waiting for us. Harry stops and poses for the camera, showing off his cast.I had to pull him away from the cameras in order to get him in my car.

"They seemed nice." he says, a big smile on his face. "Where are we going?" he asked, starting to twirl my hair around his free hand. I bat his hair away, trying to pay attention to the road. 

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