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The letter :)

Dear Harry,

By now I'm on the plane, leaving for New York, but as I'm writing this, I'm hiding in the bathroom crouched over the counter while you are helping my sister pack my books. I couldn't imagine saying goodbye to you in person, so this way it is. I am going to miss you so more than you will ever know. I'm going to miss your jokes, your smile, your beautiful voice. I'm going to miss how we could talk about everything. I'm hoping none of this changes, but if I'm being completely honest, I'm terrified I'm going to lose you. You were my main reason for staying, because I couldn't bear the thought of having to live my life without you in it.

This entire decision was impossible to make without your guidance. I wasn't even going to dream about this until you told me to go for it, and something just clicked. I realized life is too short to pass up an opportunity like this. Too short for dreams to be left unaccomplished. Too short for feeling to be left unresolved. 

I haven't been completely honest with you. I haven't told you how I felt, which I regret every single day. I don't really know how to say it, so I'm just going to throw it out there and hope it doesn't sound awkward because I don't have an eraser or another sheet of paper. I have fallen in love with you beyond what I thought was possible. From the moment you walked into the record store, I knew you were special, but not for the reasons everybody thinks. You are special because of who you are beyond the pop singer. Beyond the fame. I am so thankful that you accidentally heard me sing in the record store, and I am so glad I know you, Harry Styles. I hope to be half the writer you are. Thinking of you always, I'll see you soon.

With Love, Your Only Angel

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