Chapter 14

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Wow. The final chapter. The last bread crumb of this book. I hope you guys enjoy the ending, but before you read this chapter keep in mind that all of your questions will be answered in the third book! 

I hope you have enjoyed this book! This was such a fun one to write, and I hope it was worth the read!

Oh! When prompted, make sure you play the song that is listed, kind of like what you did when you read the last chapter of Only Angel! Make sure you pay attention as to who is saying what!

Okay I'm going to stop rambling so you can start reading! Enjoy!

Eve's POV:

We get back to my apartment, and get back to packing. We continue celebrating the time we all got to spend together. Eventually I take some wine glasses and a bottle of wine, and we sit around the boxes telling funny stories about mainly Harry and I, and some of the romantic stories that had happened between us. It's not weird though, it's nice. It's a great way to end my time here.

Eventually it's 6 am and the last box is taped and put in the moving truck. My bags are packed, the apartment basically empty except for the basic furniture and necessities that Alice will need since she's staying here.

I put Roman's things by the door, and turn around to see the group of people staring at me. Tears start to well up in my eyes as I think about leaving. Everyone starts to get the idea and we all come into a group hug, not saying anything. Crap I'm going to miss these people.

I walk around my apartment, my beautiful apartment. So many things happened here. I wrote here. I fell in love here. My heart was broken here. So many memories were made here that I will never forget. I walk out on the balcony, the group of people behind me watching my every move. I take a deep breath, taking in the view one last time. I keep telling myself that I'll be back. There is no way I won't come back home.

I look at the time on my phone and realize if I don't leave now, I am going to be so late. "Okay, if I don't leave now, I never will." I say, letting out a pained laugh as I wipe under my eyes. I hug everyone individually, even Justin. I tell them their goodbyes and how much I will miss them. Eventually I get to Harry.

"Not yet. Give me a ride?" I ask, as he leans in for a hug. He nods and moves towards the door, giving me time to get one last look.

I take another deep breath, looking at all the faces staring back at me. I give them a nod, I grab the bags that Harry couldn't carry, and I grab Roman's leash, closing the door behind me. I stop, the door behind me, and I let a tear escape my eyes, but quickly recover as I make my way to the car.

I get everything in the trunk of the car, and get Roman in the back seat. I get in quietly, looking up at my apartment complex through the windshield. "Ready?" I hear a faint voice ask me. "Now or never am I right?" I respond, causing him to pull out of the driveway. He makes light conversation on the way to the airport.

"So this letter, does it tell me where you're going?" he asks, curious. "It does indeed. But it also tells you so many other things that I didn't want to say in person." I tell him, him raising an eyebrow. "I can't wait to read it." he tells me, turning on the radio. A slow song begins playing, one I automatically recognize.

He reaches to change the channel, but I block his hand from touching the button. "Don't change it. I like this one." I say as the singing starts. I sing along, Harry staying quiet.

(Play Tell Me How by Paramore Now!! Please pay attention to who is singing what!!!)

"I can't call you a stranger, but I can't call you. I know you think that I erased you, you may hate me but I can't hate you, and I won't replace you. I'm basically serenading Harry at this point, hoping he hears the lyrics and understands them. I stop singing, but he starts.

"Tell me how to feel about you now. Tell me how to feel about you now. Oh, let me know, do I suffocate or let go?" He moves on to the second verse, I stay quiet.

"I think I'm tired of getting over it. Just starting something new again. I'm getting sick of the beginnings." he stops singing, realizing what line is next. It's like we are using this song to talk to each other. I pick up where he left off.

"And always comin' to your defenses. I guess it's good to get it off my chest. I guess I can't believe I haven't yet. You know I got my own convictions, and they're stronger than any addiction. And no one's winning. I think about how I'm strong enough to leave the man I love behind, hoping that one day we will see each other again. He joins back in for the chorus.

"Tell me how to feel about you now. Tell me how to feel about you now. Oh, let me know, do I suffocate or let go? Tell me how to feel about you now. Tell me how to feel about you now. Oh, let me know, do I suffocate or let go? We move to the bridge of the song, basically belting at this point.

"You keep me up with your silence. Take me down with your quiet. Of all the weapons you fight with, your silence is the most violent. Chills go down my spine thinking about all the times we would sit quietly, letting the silence speak for us. We sing the chorus, then let the song finish out, meaning every word.

"Tell me how to feel about you now. Tell me how to feel about you now. Oh, let me know, do I suffocate or let go? Tell me how to feel about you now. Tell me how to feel about you now. Oh, let me know, do I suffocate or let go?

We rode the rest of the way in silence, saying everything that we needed to say.

He pulls into the parking space, but he doesn't get out. He can't. The break up article is dropping anytime now, and being seen with him could ruin everything. I look over at him, watching him fidget with his rings.

"Hey, don't read the letter until the plane is in the air, okay?" I ask him, gathering my things. He nods, but doesn't say anything. I start to get out of the car, but he grabs my arm, stopping me.

"Have fun in New York. You will be great. I know you will." he says, then presses a kiss against my cheek. I don't even respond to the kiss, but to how he knew where I was going.

"How did you-" I ask, but he answers before I can finish my question. "At Mitch's party, your face lit up when you mentioned New York. It was obvious." he says, a smile appearing on his face.

"I really have to get better at my poker face." I say jokingly. I look at the time. "Crap. I have to go." I say, not moving from my seat. I look into his eyes, tears filling them. He pulls me into a hug and whispers something in my ear.

"Shine like a star, Angel. You're golden, remember that." I press a kiss on his cheek in return and step out of the car. I grab Roman, and even with everything in my hands, I manage to wave goodbye.

Tears stream down my cheeks as I walk away. I already miss him.

I rush through security, getting Roman where he needs to be, reluctantly separating from him. I manage to have a few minutes to spare. I look through my social media and notice many people are tweeting me. I look further into my mentions to see that the break up article was posted. I should feel sad, but instead I feel a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders.

I board the plane, sitting next to the window. Luckily no one else is sitting in my row, so I spread out and look out the window, watching as we go higher into the sky.

I think back to the letter I wrote Harry. I hope he gets it. I hope he reads it and understands it. I hope he doesn't forget me.

I put in my earbuds and press shuffle on my music, and of course Harry's song plates. But not just any song. Two Ghosts. The first song we wrote together.

I look around realizing that I am all alone on this adventure. Just me. Only Eve. And to be honest, I'm quite alright with that.

Only Eve.

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I really hope you liked this one, and the book altogether. Make sure you don't miss the next part, it has something that I'm sure you guys have been wondering about !

I'm not going to bore you with my thank yous and my gratitude, but just know that I am so glad you read this one!

Only the Finest Lines (the best one in my opinion) comes out Nov. 30th. More projects to come!!

Epilogue >>>>>

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