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Marinette's POV

I arrived at Master Fu's house, hurriedly greeting him and Wayzz. "Cat and I took a look at the akumatized villain... I really don't know if we'll be able to defeat it alone." I explained. Master Fu nodded curtly in understanding, before walking over to the gramophone. He pressed the two dragon eyes and I watched them glow bright red. The panel opened and he punched in the code buttons. The whole gramophone turned and opened, wooden panels folding away one after the other before the ornate Miraculous box was revealed: beautiful, sleek and black with red designs and details.

"Marinette, you must pick an ally you can trust to fight alongside you in this mission. Choose wisely; such powers are meant to serve the greater good." I hovered my hand over all of the Miraculouses, thinking. I saw a beautiful belt with snow leopard print and a buckle that looked like clasping claws. I took it.

"I know just the person," I stated, smiling at Master Fu.

"The Snow Leopard Miraculous," Master Fu began, seeming surprised for a second, before smiling back, "good luck on your mission, Ladybug."

Stella's POV

I stood with my hands on the cold metal of the bannister as the wind whipped through my hair. The sun had long gone down and I was watching the Eiffel Tower in the distance. I couldn't see Cat or Lady but I could see a huge black bat hanging from the lattice structure, pulsing with a lurid orange glow when it beat its wings. My phone chimed: someone had texted me. I took it from my pocket, turning on the screen: Come inside Stella, someone's been akumatized! xx It was from my mother. I was about to head downstairs until someone called for me. "Stella!" It was Laybug.

"Oh, hi, Ladybug; I was just about to go inside-..."

"That'll have to wait, Stella; Paris needs you." She stated urgently, walking towards me carrying a hand-span-shaped black box with red ornate details.

"Is that a-"

"Yes. Stella Maria Gaudion, here is the Miraculous of the Snow Leopard, which grants the power of coldness. You will use it for the greater good." I was ecstatic; I was lucky enough to have my own Miraculous! I took the box from her, looking at it in awe. "Once the job is done, you will return the Miraculous to me. Can I trust you?"

"You've got it, Ladybug," I smiled. She nodded happily as I opened the box to reveal a rolled belt with snow leopard print and metal claws for a buckle. It glowed a light blue-white and a glowing sphere emerged, spinning around me before the glow dissipated and it came into being in front of me. "Whoa, what's this?" I asked.

"I am Blitzz; your Kwami!" It said. It was a little floating snow leopard with a big, fluffy tail.

"Whoa! Hi, Blitzz. What does a Kwami do?"

"I help give you your powers. All you have to do is say 'Blitzz, snow down'. And when you want to deactivate your powers, say 'Blitzz, snow off'. Have you got that, newbie?" She asked.

"I think so," I replied as I put on the belt, pocketing the box in my small jean pocket.

"Alright, well we haven't got long," Ladybug stated urgently, looking back at the Eiffel.

"Got it. Blitzz, snow down!" I exclaimed. Suddenly, she flew into the belt buckle and I felt a strange power surge through me from my belt to the rest of my body. This was it: I let the magic take over me as my outfit formed and I received three shurikens that I attached to my belt. 'a belt has its perks', Cat Noir's voice resonated in my head. I twirled around as the rest of the outfit formed and I laughed as I put on a mask as well as snow leopard ears and a tail. My eyesight and hearing were sharper now, and Ladybug pointed out that my eyes were more cat-like now, but still a beautiful blue (similar to Cat Noir's but a different colour).

"You must keep your identity a secret from here on out; what are you going to call yourself?" Ladybug asked me. I thought for a moment.

"I think... Uncia!" I declared (it was the Latin name for Snow Leopard).

"Alright, Uncia; let's go and help Cat Noir save Paris!"


Cat Noir? I'd almost forgotten about him. I would be working alongside my crush and favourite hero... I just hoped I wouldn't be too nervous. "Uh, Ladybug?" I began as we hurried across rooftops, the full moon high in the dark sky. "Does Cat Noir know who I am?" I asked.

"No, and I want you to keep it that way," she replied sternly. "Watch out!" She called as a bat whizzed past me.

"Whoa!" This was intense. I was doing parkour on the rooftops of Paris - something I'd always wanted to do! I saw Cat in the distance, fighting off a colony of persistent bats, their black wings glowing with orange when they moved. What on Earth were we going to do?

A/N: I would have drawn Uncia's outfit but I think I've described it well enough for it to be imagined by readers :)

Thank you for reading!

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