Normal day events

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

Y/n: "Ugh, why?"

You heard your alarm clock beeping.

Y/n: "mmm...School."

You got up, slamming your alarm until it shut off. You stretched your arms and legs, yawing still tired but being force to wake up. Rubbing your eyes so your vision can be more clear.

Y/n: "On the bright side, it's Friday."

You got off your bed, walking to your computer chair to grab your towel, and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.


After you got done with showering, you walked down the stairs. Heading in the kitchen so you can grab your lunch that was in the fridge, when you grabbed the handle of the fridge you noticed a paper on the fridge.

Note: "Bro, I'm going to be working late tonight. I have your lunch in the fridge, and left some cash for pizza, sorry that I can't be there with you, love you hope you have a good day, Nikki."

Y/n: "Nothing ever changes huh? It's ok sis, I know you do it for my sake."

You opened the fridge and grabbed your lunch, you placed it in your backpack and walked out the house. It didn't take too long to get to school so you usually walked to school.


You heard something extremely loud, quickly turned around to see a huge monster rampaging.


You began to run, in your head you tried to analyze the situation.

Y/n: "That doesn't look like a akumatized victim."

You looked back to see if it was going in your direction, it was not a good idea too look back, because you saw the monster threw a car at your direction.

Y/n: "Crap!!!"

The shadow of the car began to get bigger and bigger. In your head you began to think.

Y/n: "This is it huh? This is how I die? Way too young and-"

You felt pressure on your waist and huge gust of wind hits you. You heard a huge crash, but you weren't under the car, you looked up to see one or the heros of Paris.

Y/n: "Ladybug!"

Ladybug looked at you and smiled. Ladybug took you away from the monster.

Ladybug: "Are you ok?"

All you did stare at Ladybug's beautiful big blue eyes.

Ladybug: "Um, hello?"

You quickly snapped out of it.

Y/n: "Oh! Um, uh yea, yea, yes I'm ok, thank you so much Ladybug!"

Ladybug giggled, you smiled but on the inside, you were fanboying out, not only did you get saved by your favorite hero you made her giggle.

Ladybug: "Ok good, get to a safe place, Cat Noir and I will take care of this!"

Y/n: "Yes ma'am!"

You saw Ladybug throw her yoyo and zipped away, you watched Ladybug make her way to the fight.

Y/n: "Still pretty as ever."

All of a sudden you heard-


And saw all the ladybugs come to fix everything.

Y/n: "Wow, that was fast."

You began to walk away like nothing ever happen.

Living two lives, but only having one love. (Marinette/Ladybug x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now