Tom x Scared Reader

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(I'M NOT DEAD!!!!! Let's get into it)

(Reader's POV)

  I could be sitting at home in my shared room with Tom, reading, or playing games. But no I just can't. Because Edd decided it would be nice if all of us would go and investigate for ghosts in some abandoned hospital. I groaned and scoot closer to Tom, not caring about the glare I got from him.

  We continued walking down into the chapel and look around. The booths were covered in dust and the paint was peeling off the walls. What was the creepiest was the footsteps and voices we heard on the floor above us. I was shaking in fear. I jumped when I felt an arm snake around my waist. I looked to see Tord smirking at me. I glared at him while getting out of his grasp, accidentally bumping into Tom, who was behind me. I looked at Tord with a hateful glare.

  I know what Tord did to Edd, Matt, and Tom. And I wasn't a big fan of him. But he won't quit flirting with me. "Quit. Flirting. Larsson!" I grumble at him. He chuckles gets so close to my face our noses are touching. "Or what?" he said. Before I could say anything someone pushes us further away from each other. 

  "Or else I'll shove a harpoon up your ass" Tom glared at Tord. Tord's smirk instantly fell into a frown as he glared back. Tord walked off to catch up with Edd and Matt. "T-thanks..." I mumble. I've always had a crush on the blue hooded man, but never have been able to tell him. Because of my crush on him, I've never been able to exactly look at him, afraid of the judgment in his black orbs.

  "No problem," He says and turns to catch up with the others. I then realize I was left behind a sprint to get to them. I huff and puff as I had made it back with them.

  "Did anybody else hear that?" Edd says stoping and turning to us. Everyone went quiet and listened carefully. The next thing I know, I heard more footsteps and what sounded like a girl crying. I felt fear hit me like a truck. I started hyperventilating and felt tears in my eyes. I felt a hand snake around my shoulders and look to see Tom. I didn't care at this point.

  I whimpered as I scoot myself closer into Tom's arms. I heard a chuckle and thought it might have been Tom, but brushed it off as me hearing things. We continued up the stairs. I dreaded every step I took in the building, knowing it was only going deeper into the building. Tom still had his arm draped around my shoulder, but I didn't even mind. My brain was stuck on the fact that we heard a girl crying. I let out a shaky breath as we reached the second floor.

  I felt a tear roll down my cheek and jumped as we heard a loud noise. It kept going on and on and then the lights started flickering. But the weird thing was the lights shouldn't be able to work. I felt tears escaping my eyes and I buried my face into Tom's side. I felt him rubbing my back. Everything was so overwhelming.

  We decided to leave because of what was happening. We turned to run back downstairs but on the way down I fucked up my ankle. I couldn't run very easily and was gonna be slower than everyone else. Tom noticed this and carried me bridal style. I couldn't help but stare at him in disbelief.

  We got to the car and everyone got in their spot. Since Tord wouldn't stop flirting with me Tom offered to change seats with me, which Tord strongly disagreed with. We had to pull his ass out of the car.

  I was so tired from all the tears and fear I fell asleep on Tom's shoulder.


(Reader's POV)

  I was awoken by someone shaking me. I jolted up, thinking we were still in the hospital. That place will forever be in my nightmares. I look to see Tom shaking me. He was holding me bridle style. I felt a blush come to my cheeks. He looked down at me with those black orbs that I love so much.

  "We have to take care of your ankle," he says. I nod and he takes me to our room and lays me down on the bed. He takes care of my ankle and sighs. "You alright?" he asks and glances at me. "You were crying in your sleep," he says and sits on the bed. "I-I'm fine, just shaken up by what happened," I say and look away from him. He stays quiet for a bit, looking at me intently.

  I was about to speak when he started talking. "Why are you always so nervous around me?" he asks. I tense up and look away while playing with the bottom of my (F/C) hoodie. "U-um... I don't know w-what you're talking a-about" I say. "(Y/N)..." he says. I freeze and look at him.

  "Can you just answer my question?" he asks. My hands start shaking a bit and I start breathing more heavily. I couldn't form words with how scared I was. "(Y/N)? You okay?" he asks. He places a hand on my shoulder. He scoots closer, his face getting closer to mine in the process. My face heats up at how close we were.

  He seemed to study me for a minute before freezing. "I think I know what's happening here..." he says. I whine and look away. Looking anywhere other than him would be better right now. He puts his hand under my chin and makes me look at him. "I just need to test something" he mumbles. I tense up and watch as he gets closer to my face. My face only getting redder and redder.

  He studies it and pulls his face away. "Ok so... how do you feel about me?" he asks. I could tell by the smirk on his face that he knew perfectly well how I felt. I felt tears prick my eyes and I start to hyperventilate. He puts his hands on my shoulders. Once he realized that wouldn't work he hugged me. I started to calm down a bit.

  "It's okay... it's alright" he says. He kept whispering comforting things until I stopped crying. He pulled away to look at me. "You like me... don't you?" he says. I sigh before nodding, closing my eyes tight. I was scared of his reaction. I heard shuffling and felt a hand being pressed on my left cheek. I opened my eyes only to see Tom now sitting, facing me on the bed. "Close your eyes," he says.

  I hesitated but did what he asked. I sat there with my eyes closed for a bit before I felt something on my lips. My eyes shot open to see Tom kissing me. I hesitantly kiss back. I close my eyes back. We pulled away after a bit for air. I heard a small knock and looked to see Edd, Matt, and Tord. Edd had his phone in his hand pointed at us. "You did not!..." I say. Edd just chuckles and nods. "Oh, I did," he says.

  "You're lucky my ankle is bad right now. But I swear to everything that is holy that when it heals I will beat your ass" I say. He snickers and puts his phone back in his pocket. "We were gonna ask if you wanted to go with us to get some food but it looks like you guys were too busy clinking teeth," Tord says. I could sense the anger in his voice and laughed.

  "You're just mad Tom got a girlfriend before you did," I say. He rolls his eyes and walks away down the hall. Edd and Matt looked at Tom with an amused smile. I looked at Tom to see him looking at me with surprise. "Girlfriend?" he says. I felt a blush explode on my face.

  "W-well umm... I-I...." I just gave up and groaned, shoving my face in Tom's chest. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. "It's fine, I like the sound of that," he says. I whine and wrap my arms around him tightly. "...shut up..." I mumble. He chuckles and kisses the top of my head.

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