Mark x Male Reader

64 1 2

(Reader's POV)

  I rolled my eyes as I watched the guys mess with the neighbors. I didn't understand why they did that but I never tried to intervene. I never tried talking to the guys. I never liked talking to people and I don't plan on starting now. Yeah, they would try to talk to me but I would always cut the conversation short.

  I watched as they came back inside as I switched my attention back to the drink in my hand when it became too hot to hold. I hissed in pain as I hurriedly placed it back onto the counter. Mark walked into the kitchen and looked at me as I had a pained expression on my face. "What happened to you?" he asks. "The drink was really hot" I explain shortly. He looks at the drink on the counter and nods.

  He walks over to the sink and runs cold water and grabs my hand. I flinch at this but comply anyway. He puts my hand under the water and the pain slowly goes away. He turns it off and smiles at me. I just stare blankly at him. "Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about something" he states. I scream internally, as this was exactly the opposite of what I wanted.

  "Yeah?" I question as I regret coming out of my room in the first place. "Do you wanna come to the fair with me? The other two already turned down the offer and I have two tickets!" he says. I decided that I could. I was always more comfortable with Mark but never knew why. I nodded and smiled a little bit. "Sure. I need to get out of the house anyway. I'm beginning to look like a vampire" I say. He chuckles and nods. He ends the conversation with a quick "see you later" as he then leaves the kitchen.

  I slam my head onto the counter. I sigh as I pick up my drink and walk to my room. I take a sip from the mug as I notice a slip of paper on my nightstand. I pick it up and look at it. It was a ticket to the fair. I smile and roll my eyes. Sometimes Mark could act like a child when it came to something he liked. It was honestly adorable how he acted whenever he would get all happy. I rethink that over and over again and facepalm.

  After a few minutes, I had gotten ready for the fair. I opened my door to be meat by Mark with a goofy smile on his face. I chuckle and roll my eyes. "Come on Mark" I stated as I managed to get past him. After a few minutes, we made it to the fair and Mark jumped out of the car and ran to the entrance. I laugh as I hurry to catch up with him.

  "Mark calm down the fair isn't gonna go anywhere!" I call to him. I manage to get to him when he ran into a line. It was the line to the Ferris wheel. I've never been a big fan of heights. "Mark are you... s-sure you wanna go on this one?" I say. He looks at me with a smirk. "What? Are you scared or something?" he teases. "N-No! You know what fine I'll go on" I say. "Good because we are next in line," he says.

  I slightly shake as I step foot onto the Ferris wheel. After a few minutes, we had made it to the top. I looked over the edge and jumped back, clinging to Mark. He laughs as he ropes his arm around me. "I thought you said you weren't scared," he says. "Shut up!" I whine. He snickers and shakes his head. "If you wanted to cling to me you could have just said so" he smirks. I blush heavily and glare at him. I grumble but don't answer him. "You're not denying it" he states.

  I roll my eyes and huff. "Shut up..." I mumble. I had liked Mark for a while but would never tell him that. This is probably the closest we have been so I doubt he even likes me back. "While we are up here. I need to tell you something" he says. I look at him. "What's up?" I ask. "I've liked you for a while and I was wondering if you wanted to be my boyfriend..." he said. It was quieter than he normally was but I understood him perfectly.

  I guess I was quiet for a bit longer than needed because he sighed. "Of course you don't..." he mumbles. "W-What? Yes, I do!" I said. "Really?" he asks. I nod and smile at him. Before I knew it he had talked me to the floor. I tensed up because it started shaking. "Chill out nothing bad is gonna happen. Not when I'm around" he says. My heart melted at those simple words.

  We stare into each other eyes and smile goofily. Before I knew it he had planted his lips onto mine. I widen my eyes in shock but quickly melt into it. We pull apart for air. We just sit there cuddling for the rest of the time before we had to get off and find a different ride.


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