Matt x Used Reader

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(Reader's POV)

  I sighed as I got up on the stage. I hated doing this business, knowing the boss is just using me. I work in a small entertainment business where my job is to sing. It's kinda like a circus, but none of us are clowns. Even though one of us is a comedian.


  (Reader's POV)

  I finished singing and got off the stage. I smiled at the sound of clapping and whistling. At least somebody actually likes my work. I walk into the changing room only to be met with my boss's face.

  "What the fuck was that?" he spat at me. It didn't phase me. I've been dealing with his torment for a while. I've worked under him for the longest out of all his little puppets. "I'm just doing my job sir" I answer. He slapped me across the face. "Well, it fucking sucked. Work harder before I cut your pay" he says and walks off. I grumble and roll my eyes.

  I get a knock on the door and turn to answer it. I open it to find a tall man with ginger hair. I felt my face heat up just a tad bit. "Hello! What can I do for ya fella?" I question. Just then two men in a green and blue hoodie appear from behind him. I guess he was a bit too tall.

  "We're huge fans of your work and was wondering if we could maybe...hang...some....time?" the one in the green hoodie asks while trailing off on the end. I chuckle and nod. I could use some company. "When and where?" I ask. The three of them brighten up at the answer. The ginger one had stars in his eyes.

  We debated on where we would hang, eventually agreeing on a coffee shop we all go to every once in a while. I smile and wave at them as they say their goodbye's. I sigh after closing the door. I was looking forward to hanging with them.

(Matt's POV)

  I got lost in thought while walking back to the car. I was brought out of my thoughts when I walked straight into Edd. "S-sorry Edd I was thinking," I say. "What about?" he questions. "Did you guys notice the red mark on her cheek?" I ask. They seem to think before nodding. "Maybe we can ask her when we hang with her. I'm still surprised that she agreed," Edd says. I nod in agreement.


(Reader's POV)

  I sighed as I dragged myself down the stage. I had just finished performing and scowled at the thought of my boss yet again scolding me. I make it to the changing room to find the boss not there. I let out a breath of relief. Then I remembered I was supposed to meet up with the boys.

  I checked the time to see I have two hours left. I decide to head home for the day before the boss could protest. I go to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I get out and blow dry my hair, styling it as I like.

  I pick out an outfit and check the time. I had an hour and twenty minutes left. I leave the outfit on the bed, not wanting to ruin it, and decide to set a timer so I don't forget. I head downstairs after putting on a plain white shirt and jean shorts.

  I make a quick snack and sit on the couch to watch tv. A little while later the timer goes off making me jump. I grumble and stop the timer. I get up and go upstairs. I make it to my room and put the outfit on. 

  After putting the outfit on I get everything together and get in the car. I make it to the coffee shop to see that I'm a bit early. I get a seat and wait for them. While I was scrolling through my phone a person sits across from me.

  I look over to see my boss. I almost choke on air. I scramble to grab my phone before it falls out of my hand. My boss glares at me. "What are you? Autistic?" he questions. I scowl and grumble. I check the time to see that they should be here by now. I hear the door open and look up the see the three boys. I silently thank god in my mind.

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