Tom x Suicidal Reader

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(Reader's POV)

  I sighed as I stared down at the city below me. I stood on top of a tall building. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I smile lightly. I finally get to leave this terrible world. I watch the people that now look like ants scatter around to get to work and such. I hear a door shut behind and look to see a man in a blue hoodie staring at me.

  "Are... you okay?" he asks cautiously while slowly walking towards me. I don't answer him. All I do is look back down at the streets. I scoot closer to the edge going to jump but the man stops me by grabbing me. "It's okay" he whispered in my ear.

  We just sit there like that for a little bit before the man speaks. "Let's get you down from here," he says. I follow behind him silently. It felt like I didn't have a choice. The man was holding my hand so I couldn't really sneak away. "The name's Tom if you were wondering," he says.

  "(Y/N)" I mutter out. He glanced back at me for a second before looking back in front of him. We make it to the sidewalk and stop. He turns to me and looks me up and down. He sighs before looking back at my face. Dried tears stuck to my face. I bet I looked like a damn mess. Not that I didn't look like one before.

  "I don't trust you to go alone. Follow me" he says. I look at him confused but follow him nonetheless. We make it to a small house. We walk inside and he leads me to a couch. "Wait here while I get you some water," he says. I hear him talking to someone else in what I'm guessing is the kitchen. I sigh as I make myself comfortable on the couch.

  After a few minutes, Tom comes back with a glass of water. There were two men behind him. One was wearing a green hoodie. The other one was wearing a green overcoat with a  purple hoodie under it. I don't look at them for long as I look back at Tom, accepting the glass of water.

  "Hello, (Y/N). I'm Edd and this is Matt. I'm sure you already know Tom" Edd says while pointing to the other when saying his name. "Tom explained to us what happened. Are you okay?" he says while placing a hand on my shoulder. I hesitantly shake my head no. "Why? If you don't mind me asking" he says.

  I felt my eyes brim with tears. "I don't want to go back home" I mutter. Tom placed a hand on my other shoulder. A few tears slipped out of my eyes and fall into my lap. "All they do is abuse me. I can't take it anymore!" I say. "Who does?" Tom asks. "My boyfriend. His name is (B/N). We used to be so happy until it all just changed. I would sometimes ask him why he does it but he would never answer. He would only hit harder" I say. I let out a sob.

  I was met with silence. I look down at my lap and let another sob slip out. I felt someone hug me and look up to see Tom. "It's gonna be okay," he says. I hug him back tightly. "You don't have to go back home. You can stay here with us. We can go and pack your stuff tomorrow. But for now, we can just chill and try to get our mind off of it. Alright?" Edd says. I smile and sniff, nodding. 

  By now Tom had let go. So I launch myself into Edd. I hug him tightly and sob into his chest. "Thank you so much!" I say. He hugs me back and rubs my back. "No problem," he says. I let g and sit back down on the couch.

  I finish my glass of water and set it on the table next to the couch. I look to see Matt sitting next to me. He picks up the remote and changes the tv to a show called 'The Children'. I shrug my shoulders and lean back into the comfiness of the couch.

  I hear footsteps and look to see a man in a red hoodie. He looks at me and looks away. He does a double-take and looks at me again. He then smirks at me. He walks up to me and was about to say something but he got caught off by Tom. "Don't even try flirting with her Tord" Tom says.

  The man who I'm guessing is Tord glared at Tom. "And why not?" Tord asks. Tom stays silent while glaring at Tord. Tord snickers and smirks. "You like her don't you?" Tord asks. "Shut up!" Tom says. Before a fight could break out Edd walks in. "Don't start with that right now guys" Edd says. Tord and Tom roll their eyes and they walk away from each other.

  "I'm going to the bar" Tom grumbles and walks out of the house, slamming the door behind him. I look out the window to see it was pretty dark already. I then think about what Tord said. Does Tom really like me? I snicker at my thoughts. There's no way someone like him could like me.


(Reader's POV)

  It was time to go pick up Tom. Edd was busy drawing, Tord was busy reading hentai, and Matt was busy staring into a mirror. So I had to go get him. I knew where the bar was cause I would go down there to get a drink from time to time. I walk out the door and head to the bar. I walk into the bar to see Tom passed out drunk. I chuckle before grabbing him. The girl behind the bar looks at me.

  "You coming to pick him up?" she asks. I nod and smile. "Yeah, just came here to pick him up. I won't be getting any drinks today" I say. She nods and finishes cleaning her glass. I walk out of the bar struggling to drag a drunk Tom behind me. Tom snakes his arm around me and leans against me. I screamed internally.

  "What you doing there buddy?" I ask while glancing at him. "Your pretty" he slurs. I felt heat run to my cheeks and I chuckle nervously. "Whatever drunky," I say. I giggle as he whines drunkenly. "We're almost home, calm it down" I chuckle out. We reach the house and I drag him inside. Edd comes out of his room and sees me struggling to pull Tom to his room.

  "Did you drag him all the way here?" he asks. I nod and look at Edd. "You know you could have just asked to take the car. Right?" he asks. He snickers as I groan. "Whatever..." I say and shove Tom onto his bed. I was gonna walk away but Tom drags me into the bed next to him. "Mine," he says. I laugh and try to get out but he just tightens his grip on me. 


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