Edd x Reader

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(I just had this random ass dream so it gave me an idea)

  (Reader's POV)

  I sighed as I laid on my side in my bed. I moved in with the hoodie gang a year ago and let's just say it's been an adventure. I yawned as I slowly drifted to sleep.


  I felt a heavy weight on my chest before being thrown against. I passed out from the impact.

  I woke up to a bright light shining on my face. I groaned as I sat up. "Where the hell am I?" I asked. I got a mom slap on the back of the head.

  I hissed in pain and glared at the woman who did it. "Quit cursing, your little sister," she said. I then realized what was happening.

  I hesitated before speaking. "Sorry, mom..." I mumbled. She nodded acknowledgment. She then turned to dad.

  "Now that she is awake, we should go and look for a new base. If we stay here for too long they will find us" she said. Dad nodded in agreement.

  I sat there lost in thought before I felt a weight on my lap. I looked down to see my little sister. I forced a smile down at her. She smiled her brightest back at me.

  "Sissy! We're gonna find a new place!" she said with sparkles in her eyes.

  I chuckled at her and nodded. "Is that so?" I asked. She giggled and nodded.

  A little while later we came back to a trashed base. We looked around until we saw dad huddled in a corner rocking back and forth.

  We watched as mom dragged him outside. Me and sissy looked at each other in confusion. We then heard a scream.

  We ran outside to see nobody in sight. Mom and dad were gone.

  I started hyperventilating. I knew this was where everything was going bad. Sissy tugged on my shirt sleeve. I looked down at her.

  "Are we gonna be okay?" she asked. I didn't have the heart to lie to her. But I didn't wanna scare her with the truth. So I said nothing.

  She hugged my leg and began to cry. I felt a pang of sadness hit me. I bent down and hugged her. I forced an answer out of my mouth.

  "Look at me, sissy. I can't promise anything. But I think it's gonna be okay" I say. She looks up at me and nods. I felt bad for lying to her. But I've watched this happen over and over. I didn't wanna scare her with the truth.

  It was now night time. I had put sissy to bed and went outside to get some fresh air. I sighed as I got back to the base and was horrified by the sight.

  Blood was everywhere. Sissy's body hung lifelessly from the support beam. Dad stood there with a blade in his hand.

  "Dad what did you do?!" I instantly regret speaking when he turned to me. His eyes were black with white dots in the middle. This wasn't my dad anymore.

  "Give me a hug. It'll be okay" he said. I backed away from him as he got closer. I backed myself into a wall. I had cornered myself.

  He draped his arms around me, pulling me into an embrace. I tried to fight back but to no avail. He buried his face into the crook of my neck. And then he took a big bite out of my neck.

(Dream End)

  (Reader's POV)

  I woke up in a cold sweat. I looked around to see Edd standing next to my bed. I jumped back thinking it was my dad. I got a better look at him and calmed down. He sat down on the edge of the bed facing me.

  "It's okay, it's just me," he says. His voice was tired. I guess I woke him up by tossing and turning and such. I swallowed a lump and let out a shaky breath. "You wanna talk about it?" he asks. I nodded and laid down to get comfier.

  After explaining it to him he seemed horrified. "Was that just a bad dream or did that... actually happen?" he asks hesitantly. I nodded before looking away. I felt a hand on my neck and flinched. Edd pulled his hand away quickly. "S-sorry..." he mumbles. "It's okay" I quietly say.

  "So that actually happened... I'm sorry" he says. I nod before turning on my side. "My dad went insane and killed both my mom and sister. I can't get my mother's scream out of my head, or my sister's lifeless body. Everything hurts, and I can't even deal with the pain of lying to my sister. The last words I said to her were lies. I didn't even get to tell either of them goodbye. It's my fault. I should have never left the base. I-I should have stayed there and protected h-her. I-I should of-" I cut myself off with a sob.

  I broke down crying and sobbing. Edd quickly pulled me into a hug. I tried pushing him away but he wouldn't budge. "E-Edd I don't do well with being touched!" I yelped. He still didn't move. "It's okay (Y/N), you should know I won't hurt you," he says.

  I gave up and let him hug me. I eventually hugged him back and cried into his shoulder. "None of that was your fault. You didn't know it was gonna happen. You wouldn't have been able to stop any of it. You probably would have ended up dead just like them" he says. I choke up another sob.

  "I-I would rather be dead instead of living through the pain of knowing I never got to say goodbye" I cried out. Edd took me by the shoulders and pulled away so he could look in my eyes. "I never wanna hear you say that again. Everyone in this house cares about you, even if Tom doesn't show it he still cares. Matt might be narcissistic but he still cares about you. And I care about you. We all care about you. Even if Tord might be a bit perverted and such he still sorta cares. You put a smile on everyone's face. If you were to leave us we would never forgive ourselves. So, please... if you won't try to be happy for yourself... try to be happy for us... please" he ended. He had tears streaming down his face.

  I tackled him in a hug and sobbed. I buried my face in his chest. "Thank you, Edd. I-I love you" I then realize what I had just said and froze. I've had a crush on him for the longest time. I was scared to tell him, in fear of rejection.

  I was greeted by silence. He then spoke up. "I love you too," he said. I couldn't make any words. I just stared at him with my mouth agape. He chuckled and brushed his fingers through my hair. "If you love me... you wouldn't mind if I did this right?" he said. Before I could ask what he was doing he kissed me. I widen my eyes in surprise but close them as I kissed back.

  We pulled back for air and looked at each other. I buried my head in his chest and eventually fell asleep in his arms. The last thing I felt was Edd kiss my forehead.



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