Chapter 8 - What's Your Pleasure?

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The next afternoon, I reach for my phone to call the lady in town that sells sex toys. I planned to stop by with Mariah after she gets home from work. "Hello, this is Pamela Crockett with Sex R Us; how may I help you?" she answers.

"Um...Hi, my name is Brie Montgomery. I was wondering what you had for inventory. I hoped to stop by and check it out this evening if you are available."

"Sure, darlin. What's your pleasure? Dildos? Vibrators? Strap-ons?"

Jesus! I swallow hard before answering, "Um...vibrators." I reply, my voice is raspy.

She giggles on the other end, "I have a few in stock. I'll be home tonight around 5:30 pm. You can stop by then and see if there's anything that tickles your fancy. I take cash and card, no checks, please." she responds.

"Sure, thanks. I'll see you then."

I disconnect the call and dial Mariah's number. She answers, "Hello."

"Hey, Colie, I called that lady in town that sells sex toys. Do you want to go after work? She gets home at 5:30 pm tonight. She said we could stop by."

There's silence on the other end for just a few seconds, "Hell, yes, I'm down!"

"Okay, see you later."

I disconnect the call and anxiously wait for Mariah to get home from work. This is going to be epic!

Once Mariah returns home, we run out to grab a bite to eat before driving by Pamela's house. She lives in a brick duplex across town; I pass by it each time I go with Momma to the grocery store.

Mariah parks the Avenger on the street before the two of us walk up the sidewalk to the front entrance; I reach out to ring the doorbell. After a moment, an older lady with long curly red hair, wearing bright red lipstick while dressed from head to toe in black, answers, "Ladies, please come on in. I'm Pamela. Which one of you is Brie?"

I raise my hand, "I'm Brie; nice to meet you."

"I'm her cousin, Mariah. Nice to meet you." Mariah chimes in.

"I'm so happy you are here. Follow me; I think I'll have just what you are looking for."

She leads us through her living room to a spare bedroom in the back of the house. As we walk through the door, she bends down to search through a box full of various toys. She pulls out six vibrators, laying them out across the bed, in various shapes and sizes, each wrapped inside little plastic baggies. Mariah and I approach, looking at each one carefully, "If you are looking for something in particular, I have a catalog you girls can look through." Pamela says.

I glance up at Mariah, "I think this is fine; what do you think?"

"Yeah, I'm interested in the small pink vibrator that looks like a tube of lipstick," Mariah says as she reaches down to grab it before holding it up to press the button at the bottom. It vibrates loudly in her hand. Shock crosses her face as she presses the button down until it shuts off, "Oh my goodness, that is intimidating!"

"Oh honey, trust me, you will get used to it and love it. That's an excellent choice, that's called Kiss. It has three-speed settings. The highest speed setting is very intense, and it also has a long charge life so that you can have fun with it for at least two hours."

Mariah looks at me, eyes wide, "Wow, two hours, huh?" she asks.

Pamela nods her head and chuckles, "I get the feeling you girls have never used a sex toy before, am I correct?"

"That is absolutely correct. We have no clue what to pick." Mariah answers.

"No problem, ladies, I'm glad you stopped by. Just ask as many questions as you like. I'd be happy to help you. There's a thirty-day money-back guarantee for everything."

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