Chapter 16 - A Shoulder to Cry On

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Seth's POV

A few months have passed since Brie jetted outta here like a bat out of hell back to Knoxville; it still feels fresh, like it happened yesterday. She obviously thinks that I had something going on with Rachel since she was there that night at the hospital. She had no prior knowledge that Rachel was working there as a PCA and only wanted to check on Mariah to ensure she was doing okay after her shift was over at 11:00 pm. She didn't even bother to listen to reason, either. I made every effort to explain the situation to her and she wanted no part in it.  That woman is so stubborn, I swear! 

I attempted to contact her several times after that happened, but she never returned my calls. I can't figure out for the life of me why she just shut me out. I explained what happened over voicemail since she refuses to call me back but I haven't heard a word from her. It's like she just disappeared. It would have been nice if she had just made one attempt to call me. It would have made a huge difference. 

I've been very alone in my grief. My best friend is busy being a new daddy, and I haven't gotten out much lately. I couldn't tell him anything about this even if I wanted to. Every day after I get home from work, I have the same routine, I tinker around in the garage and drink my sorrows away.  I know it's not the most therapeutic way to get over heartache, but it temporarily puts a bandaid over it, I can tell you that.  I just need a bandaid to get by right now. 

One evening in June, I come home and tinker around in the garage while drinking an entire case of beer as usual when I receive a surprise visit from none other than Rachel. I can tell you that what happens between us that night changes the course of my life permanently. 

"Hey Seth, are you doing okay?" she asks as she enters the garage. 

I snort and turn around to face my workbench, "Yes, I am fine. What do you want, Rachel?" I ask with an irritated undertone. 

She tiptoes closer, "I have been worried about you lately. You seem more on edge since Dylan and Mariah had a baby. Do you want to talk about it? I know he's your best friend and all. I'm sure it's tough on you having to get readjusted to life without him in it as much."

Geez, this girl has no fucking clue what she's talking about, "No, it's fine. You can see yourself out." I tell her. 

She exhales audibly, "Seth, why are you so cruel to me all the time? What have I done to you to make you hate me so much? I don't understand it. I know we don't have much in common, but there is no reason we can't be civil with each other."

I relax my shoulders and sigh aloud. She has a point, though. Why am I such a dick to her? There is no reason I should be cruel to her; she has done nothing to me, "You are right. I'm sorry, Rachel. Come and have a seat in the fold-out chair and hang out with me for a bit."

"Okay, I'll hang out for a bit. Remember, I'm a shoulder to cry on if you need one," she says reassuringly. 

I walk over and open up the refrigerator before turning back to her, "You want a beer?" I ask. 

She nods her head, so I grab a bottle and twist the cap before handing it over to her. I reach out and grab a second fold-out chair and situate it next to her, "So what have you been up to lately?" I ask her in an attempt to make friendly conversation. 

"I've just been working at the hospital. I am getting ready to start nursing school in January next year. I'm trying to save up enough money for a car first." she adds. 

I take a swig of beer, "Oh, that's nice. I'm happy for you." I tell her. 

"How's Brie doing in college?" she asks. 

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