Chapter 15 - Movin On

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I pick up my phone as I notice I have one missed voicemail as I exit the shower. I put the phone up to my ear to listen to the message as I hit play,

Brie, it's Momma. I was calling to let you know that Mariah's water broke tonight. Baby girl is coming soon. Hopefully, you can make it in time. I love you. Call me when you are on your way.

Shit! I wrap a towel around my hair and body and run down the hallway to my room. I bust through the front door, startling Stacy as I barge in, "Shit, Brie! You scared me!" she cries out in an exasperated tone. 

"I'm so sorry, Stac, Mariah is having the baby. I gotta go!" I tell her. 

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay to drive this late at night?" she asks. 

I nod my head, "I'll be fine, don't worry. I will call you once I get there. I will probably stay overnight to get some rest, but I'll be back in time for class."

She nods her head and swallows hard as I quickly get dressed in front of her, "Sorry, I'm running around here, butt ass naked, Stac. I didn't intend to make you uncomfortable," I tell her apologetically. 

She chuckles, "No worries. I'm not uncomfortable. Are you?"

I roll my eyes, "Shoot, no!" 

I slip on a pair of jeans and a college sweatshirt and quickly run a brush through my damp hair.  I rush to pull my tennis shoes on before grabbing my purse and keys and opening the front door. I spin back around to face her, "Bye, Stac, love you." I tell her before I dart out the door.

"Love you too, roomie!" she calls out as I run down the hall and out the front entrance of the dorm. I dash for my car in the parking lot and pull out like a bat out of hell en route for Laurel. 

So, you are probably wondering where the hell my car came from? Well, my pops came down to visit with me from Indianapolis after Christmas last year. As a reward for getting straight A's my first semester, he purchased a 1992 mustang convertible that I've had my eye set on for a while at the used car lot in town. As a bonus, Momma decided to pitch in and have a custom paint job done on it in my favorite color. The car was ugly emerald green color before, but Momma knew that I would be much happier if it were painted candy apple red since that is my color of choice. Of course, I didn't object, and after I had it done, I was in love with my car; the paint sparkled in the direct sunlight. It fit me perfectly!

I pull out my CDs and insert Faith Hill as I speed down the road with my windows rolled down. It's a bit chilly tonight but not super frigid. My stomach is in knots as I anticipate my arrival home. I hadn't talked to Seth since the night before I left Laurel. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. He called a few times, and I never called him back. I picked up the phone several times to call him back, but I chickened out every time. I'm sure I'm going to have to explain to him why I never returned his call if he's there. I know now I can't just be friends with him; I love him way too much. 

It will be excruciating to see him right now; I know this with every fiber of my being. I haven't quite gotten over what happened between us. I eat, sleep, and dream about Seth non-stop despite having school as a distraction; he's never far from my thoughts. 

 After six and a half hours, I arrive in Laurel at Legions Hospital, stopping only once to pee and fill up my tank. I hop out and scan the parking lot of the hospital as I dash towards the front entrance.  Oh, fuck me! I see Seth's car parked in the parking lot. My entire body trembles and I begin to feel my cheeks flush as I dart inside and make a beeline for the waiting room. 

As soon as I turn the corner, Momma is standing with Nova and Maggie as I rush inside, "Momma!" I call out. 

She spins around, her eyes wide, "Baby, you made it! She's already eight centimeters dilated; let's hurry up and go into the delivery room. She's asking for us." 

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