Chapter 31 - New Addition; New Beginnings

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Seth pulls up into the parking lot of the steakhouse. I hop out to open John Luke's door, unfasten his car seat, and lift him into my arms. He wraps his arms tightly around my neck, laying his head on my shoulder, "Aww...are you sleepy?" I ask. 

He nods his head and nuzzles closely against my shoulder. Seth walks ahead to open the door while toting the diaper bag. Mariah, Dylan, and Georgia are already waiting to be seated. We join them in the waiting area until our table is ready.

After a few moments, the hostess calls out our party and leads us to a table that seats six in the back. Poor John Luke is so exhausted; he is perfectly content in my lap as I gently rock him while patting his back. Seth nudges my arm, "Baby, you want me to take him?"

I shake my head from side to side and lean down to kiss the top of his head, "No, we are okay, papa. I'm enjoying cuddles with this boy." I tell him. 

Everyone at the table eyes me curiously as the waitress makes her rounds to get our drink order. This little boy has stolen my heart irrevocably, and I wouldn't change a thing.  Seth flashes a grin before scanning the menu for something to eat, "Do you know what you want to order?" Dylan asks me. 

I nod my head, "Yeah, I'll order the salmon." I respond quietly as not to disturb John Luke as he snores softly on my shoulder. 

He curls his lip, "You can't come to a steakhouse and order salmon. You need to order something with some fat; put some meat on your bones. What do you weigh-90 pounds?" he asks jokingly. Georgia climbs on top of Mariah's lap. She rolls her eyes at Dylan and playfully elbows him.

I snort, "Dylan, you know it's not polite to discuss a woman's weight. Act like you got some sense!"

He chuckles as the waitress brings the rolls with the cinnamon butter, "Here, have all these; we can get more." He says as he pushes the rolls in front of me.

I turn to look at Seth; his eyes are glazed over as if he's in a daze. He seems kind of distant. I reach out and pat his leg, "Are you okay?" I ask. 

He snaps out of his daze, "Oh...yeah...I'm fine." he chokes out.

The waitress approaches the table to take our order. Once she leaves, Dylan clears his throat, "So you guys know we had something we would like to share with you all." he mentions.

I flash Mariah a grin as she bites her bottom lip while rocking Georgia in her arms. I know exactly what they will say, but I wait patiently for them to announce it. All eyes are diverted to Mariah as she builds up the courage to speak, "Dylan and I are going to have another baby!" She says excitedly. 

"Aww...congratulations! Is this what you all wanted to announce yesterday before I ruined the party?" I ask jokingly.

Dylan puts up his hand, "Yes, but no worries, darlin."

"Aww...I'm so happy for you. You are doing the world a favor by bringing another angelic Hudson baby into the world. I'm tellin' ya, Georgia was sent down from the heavens. This baby will be no different," I tell Mariah.

"Well, I'm hoping it's a boy. I'm not sure I could handle two girls." Dylan jokes.

I chuckle, "Well, I hope so in your case. Georgia is already gonna have a fight on her hands with you, ya crazy knucklehead!" I say as I throw a napkin across the table at him; he playfully throws it back. 

"So how far along are you, Colie?" I ask. 

"Like nearly eight weeks," she responds. 

After a few moments, the waitress brings our food. We eat and socialize for a bit before taking off to put the kids to bed. The two of them could hardly keep their eyes open long enough to eat much of anything. I'm thrilled that Dylan and Mariah are having another baby. Now I get to be around for this one. It makes my heart so full.

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