Chapter 9 - Out of Body Experience

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The moment we pull in the drive, the two of us climb out of the truck and book it for the house. Seth runs in front of me and swoops me up off the ground, "Oh lord, what are you doing?!" I cry out. 

"Baby, I am so turned on right now. I know you are going to enjoy this as much as I will, but if not, you tell me right away when something doesn't feel good, okay?"

I lean over and leave a trail of kisses down his neck; he lets out a soft growl as he barges through the front door before carrying me into his bedroom and laying me down on the bed, "Okay, where is it?" he asks. 

I reach into my purse and pull out the bag with the toy, cleaner, and the lube, "Do you suppose it needs charging?" he asks. 

"I don't have a clue; let's find out," I respond as I begin to mess with the buttons on the front. The toy begins to vibrate, and the intensity of the vibration increases the more I push the button, "Oh my gosh, the lady says there are ten speed-settings on this thing." 

He flashes an evil grin at me and rubs his hands together, "Oh man, let's get the show on the road, shall we?"

I swallow hard, "Umm... I think I'll clean it real quick, and then we can start."

He reaches out for my wrist as I stand, "Baby, please don't be scared. I would never hurt you, I promise."

I shrug my shoulders, "I know that Seth, I'm just nervous is all. I"ll be fine once we get started." I tell him reassuringly.

He nods his head as he quickly begins to strip out of his clothes. I grab the toy and cleaner and dash for the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I think I may be having a bit of a panic attack; however, I am so turned on right now that I have to see this through. I turn the faucet on to run the water, allowing it to get hot while I strip down to my underwear. Then I spray the toy down with cleaner and run the water over it to rinse it before grabbing a towel to dry it off. I take a deep breath and open the door. Okay, Brie, you got this...

As I walk out with the toy in my hand, I catch a glimpse of Seth lying on his side on the bed, completely naked and patting the area next to him, motioning for me to come. I can't help but giggle; he looks so fucking adorable right now I can hardly resist him."Oh, someone is ready to get started, apparently." I reply as I approach the bed. 

"Come to daddy, baby girl. I promise to start slow. Go ahead and hand the toy over; you strip off your bra and panties and lie down next to me. I'm going to take the lead on this." 

I inhale audibly as I hand the toy over and unfasten my bra, throwing it across the room. Then I shimmy out of my panties and step out of them before climbing onto the bed next to him. He positions himself on his knees next to me, and I spread my legs, allowing him total access. He grabs the lube and squirts it onto his fingertips and massages it onto my clit. I squirm with excitement and anticipation. He raises his fingertips to his nostrils and inhales, "Is that grape I smell?" he asks. 

"Yes, I got the grape-flavored lube," I respond as I shrug my shoulders. 

His eyes wide, mouth slightly open, he positions himself between my legs and buries his face into my pussy, swirling his tongue around my clit. I writhe in pleasure beneath him as he continues the tongue assault on my flower. He lifts his head with a puzzled expression, "That's incredible! You taste like grape kool-aid." He tells me as he runs his tongue along his upper and lower lip, licking off the residue of the lube from his mouth.

I raise my arms over my head and snicker, "That's good to know."

He presses the button on the toy, and it begins to pulsate. He lowers it down towards my pussy, "You ready?" he asks. 

I nod my head, squirming with anticipation beneath him. He lowers it down onto my flower, and it pulsates loudly, sending a current of pleasure throughout my body. I buck wildly as he moves the toy in a circular motion around my clit, "Ahhh!!! Oh, my God! That is so fucking amazing, Seth!" I cry out. 

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