Chapter 21 - Return Home

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The next afternoon when I arrived home, the apartment was empty. Patrick had moved out all of his things. My heart was completely broken, yet I was somewhat relieved. I guess having seen what I saw last night really sealed the deal. I was finished with him for good. There was no coming back from that. 

I had been filling out applications for administrative positions around Knoxville for the last thirty days since I had planned to stick around. Now, I'm not sure about that. I had three interviews last week alone, so I did have some options.  When I woke up this morning and checked my voicemail, I discovered that Advantech Incorporated offered me the Executive Assistant position that I had interviewed for. It was the one I prayed I would get, and I was set to start two weeks from Monday. I called them back and accepted the position this morning. The pay was really great, not to mention my advisor was the one who put in a good word for me. It was her nephew's company. I didn't want to let her down. I had been waitressing at a local sports bar in town, and I was tired of working Friday and Saturday nights just for the tips; this was a Monday through Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm position. So you can imagine how happy I was that I could finally put in my two-week notice tonight. 

I was scheduled to work tonight since it was Saturday night, and I was due to go in and work at 3:00 pm to close, so I figured I'd better get myself ready. I wished I could call off, but I realized that if I did, I'd only wallow in my own misery. Going to work offered a distraction from the heartache I was consumed with, so I figured I'd better suck it up and go in. 

After I showered and slipped my uniform on, my phone rings on the nightstand, I run over and grab it, partly hoping that it was Patrick calling to apologize; I glance down at the caller ID to find it is Maggie. I haven't spoken to her in a few months; I immediately picked up the call, "Hello?" I answer. 

I hear sobbing on the other end, "Brie, it's Maggie."

"Hey, Maggie, are you okay?"

She continues sobbing, "No, I'm not okay. Gran passed away last night."

"No! Oh, my goodness! I am so sorry for your loss, darlin."

There's silence on the other end, except for the sniffling sound as she wipes her nose with a tissue.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" I ask as I attempt to break the awkward silence.  

"Her funeral is Saturday at 1:00 pm, is there any way you can come?" she chokes out. 

"Sure, I'll see if I can get off work. You know what?  Nevermind, I will make it happen. I promise. I'll see you Saturday."

"Thank you, I miss you so much," she says. 

"I miss you too, sweet girl. I love you, heifer."

She chuckles, "I love you, Hugh Heffnah."

I disconnect the call and finish getting ready for work. After I arrive at work and walk through the front entrance, I weave through the crowds of people waiting to be seated near the hostess podium. I march to the back and clock in. I wanted to give my notice to my manager right now since I was so excited, but I figured I'd better tell him after my shift is over since I'm scheduled to close with him tonight. 

The night flew by and when it approached 11:00 pm, my manager, Mark, locked the front doors, and we began to close down the restaurant. As he washed glasses behind the bar, I approached him, "Hey Mark, can I speak with you for a moment?" I ask. 

"Yeah, what's up, Brie?"

"Well, I'm putting in my notice."

He sighs audibly, "Did you get that job you were telling me about?"

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