Chapter 17 - Safe Phrase

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Brie's POV

"Where are you going dressed like that?" Stacy asks while standing behind me as I gaze at myself in the mirror.

I blot my candy apple red lips before answering, " I have a date." I respond as I run my fingers through my hair. 

"Sounds fun. Who's the lucky guy?" she asks. 

I spin around and lean against the vanity, facing her, " He's in my accounting class. I asked him for a pencil, and he asked me out on a date. I figured, what the heck, he's gorgeous." 

She clears her throat, "Well, what's his name? Don't leave me hanging?"

I snicker, "His name is Patrick Abernathy." 

She raises her brow, "Well, I personally think it will be good for you; maybe you will call his name out in your sleep instead of Seth." 

A look of shock crosses my face, and I gasp, "What? I call his name out in my sleep?"

"Confession time... I have heard you call out Seth's name in your sleep since you got here. You never mentioned him to me, but I figured you would when you were ready. Maybe this guy can help you get over whatever happened between you and Seth." 

I reach down and fidget with my gold chain, "A girl can only hope." I quietly mumble. 

She crosses her arms in front of her chest, "So, where are you going?" she asks. 

"He's taking me out to some Italian restaurant on Market Square." 

She smiles, "Well, tell me all about it when you get home. If you need me to come to get you, just call me. We need a safe phrase, so if the date sucks and you want me to come to get you, just say the phrase, and I'll know."

I place my finger over my chin, "Hmm... how about you call me and ask, what color is your lip gloss, and if it's going good, I'll say candy apple red. If it sucks, then I'll say apple pie. That way, he will have no clue that we are talking about him." 

"Whatever you say," she responds as she fishes through my makeup and brushes her lips with my candy apple red lip gloss, "Oh wow, this is a pretty color," she says as she admires herself in the mirror, blotting and puckering her lips. 

"Girl, it's my signature color. I love it. You look great in it too." 

She runs her fingers through my hair, "Girl, I look great in everything." She says sarcastically. 

I nod my head and chuckle aloud. I quickly glance down to check the time on my phone and realize it's getting close to when he will pick me up, "Oh shit. I need to hurry. He's supposed to pick me up at 7:00 pm, and it's 6:55 pm." 

"Have fun," she says as she climbs onto her bed and opens her book up to the page she left off. 

"Are you going out tonight?" I ask as I throw on my blue jean jacket over my floral sundress. 

She shakes her head from side to side," Nah... I'm a homebody. I'd much rather stay home, chill,  and read a good book." 

I snicker, "Well, okay. Love you, roomie." I tell her as I grab my purse and keys and walk out the door. 

"Love you too, roomie," she calls out as I exit. 

I walk down the hallway and out the doors where Patrick waits for me in his Honda Accord out front. He smiles as I approach the car," Hey beautiful." he says as he scans the length of my body. 

"Hey Patrick," I say shyly as I walk over and climb inside the car before he takes off down the road. 

We arrive at the Italian Restaurant a few moments later. I can't help but admire how sexy Patrick is while peeking over the menu.  He's over six foot tall with dark brown hair, blue eyes, and a muscular physique that would make any woman melt with desire. He smiles as he notices me gawking at him. Fuck, even his teeth are perfectly straight and bright white. His dimples are adorable! I can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, so I instantly hide my face behind the menu, hoping to avoid eye contact. I haven't felt this way since I was with Seth. It sure feels good to get back into the swing of things again. 

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