Chapter 33 - Nervous Wreck

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Brie's POV

Friday morning came way too quickly. I'm going to drop John Luke off at Frieda's this morning. I am so consumed with an overwhelming feeling of dread that it's bogging me down today. I'm unable to focus on anything else. I just know this woman is all wrong for John Luke or for any child for that matter! Suddenly, I'm startled from my thoughts, "Hey, honey, did you hear what I said?" asks Seth.

I spin around, "Oh no, sorry... what was that?"

"I left $30.00 on the counter for you when you drop bub off." 

I nod my head as I zip up his lunch box, "Your lunch and cooler is packed." I tell him. 

"Thank you, sweetie," he says. 

I lean up against the kitchen counter and place my hand on my forehead. He senses that I'm tensed and approaches me, wrapping his arms around my waist, "Hey, do not worry about anything today. John Luke and I have been through this so many times."

I brush a tear from my cheek with my index finger, "I'm just afraid she won't watch him, or she won't play with him." 

"Well, let's give her the benefit of the doubt. If she doesn't work out, we will find someone else, or you can stay home with him if you choose. It's up to you, but I want you to think long and hard about it while you are away." He says as he leans over to kiss me on the forehead. 

I pull him in for an embrace and inhale his scent. God, he smells so good, "Alright, I'll be home tonight around 6:00 pm." he says. 

"Okay, I'll pick bubby up probably about 3:00 pm. That's all I can compromise on." I tell him. 

He chuckles, "Okay, that's fine. I'll see you tonight. Have a good day. Go see Maggie or something. Do something for yourself." 

"That's a great idea," I tell him. 

He kisses me goodbye before gathering his things and heading out for work. I sit down on the sofa and anxiously wait for John Luke to wake up. After about thirty minutes, I can hear the pitter-patter of little feet coming down the hallway. He comes out with a big grin and snot oozing out of his nose, "Hi Mommy!" he says as he sticks his tongue out to lick the snot closest to his lips.

"Oh no! Do you have a cold, bubby? Let's go get you cleaned up!" I tell him.

I lead him into the bathroom and have him sit down on the potty seat, and I dispose of his soiled pull-up. I take a tissue and wipe the snot from his nose and wash his face with a washrag while he sits on the toilet quietly, "Did you go potty like a big boy?" I ask. 

He nods his head, "Yep!" he says excitedly. 

"Stand up, let Brie see!" I tell him. 

He stands up, and sure enough, there is urine in the potty seat, "Yay! What a good boy you are! I'm so proud of you! Some little boy gets two chocolate kisses!" I tell him excitedly. 

He smiles and belts out a giggle, "I'm going to grab your clothes and a pull up; I will be right back, buddy." I tell him. 

I leave out of the bathroom into his room to pick out an outfit and a pull up, then I return and get him cleaned up for the day.   I check the medicine cabinet for a thermometer to make sure he doesn't have a temperature. Is it wrong that I kind of hope he does so I don't have to take him over there? Of course, he had to be normal when I checked. I make him a bowl of cereal for breakfast and pack his lunch with a change of clothes, a few toys, his pull-ups, and wipes. I place a baggie of chocolate kisses into his bag as well, "Okay, bubby. Do you want to go play with some other kids at a friend's house for a little bit?" I ask him. 

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